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American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System

The Federal Remoteness System was created after the “Panic of 1907” and ever since its inception in 1913, the Fed is one of the most powerful modern pre-eminent banks in the world. Moreover, the Fed has always been either celebrated or criticized for stepping in whenever the U.S. is stricken with some philanthropic of fear. During the coronavirus outbreak, the central bank has unleashed a massive number of monetary easing tactics, which has stimulated editors from Wikipedia to add updated information to the Fed’s Wiki page. The central bank’s page now states: “[the] COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 [has] led to the extension of the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System.”

Panic at the Knickerbocker Trust – 1907

During the last few months, Americans suffer with witnessed the power of the Federal Reserve’s shenanigans as the central bank has created trillions of dollars out of thin air. The expansion of the Fed’s steady sheet has ballooned to upwards of $6.9 trillion and the bank slashed the benchmark interest rate to zero percent. U.S. freemen have been indoctrinated to believe that the central bank is there to protect the country’s monetary system and hold it stable.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
Bank runs were rampant in 1907 and it stemmed from the public’s mistrust in bankers who were taking deposits for side bets and bucket shops.

The Fed is also a secretive bank that works very closely with uncommunicative dealers, smaller financial incumbents, and the country’s largest asset manager Blackrock. Since the very creation of the Fed in 1913, a body of America’s banking and corporate elite used a specific panic to make the public believe that the central bank transfer keep them safe. However, the Fed was initiated by the very people who destroyed the American economy in 1907 as a cartel of bankers old fear to get the populace on board with fraudulent schemes.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
The fall of Knickerbocker Trust made the Panic of 1907 awful and JP Morgan stepped in with a number of New York bankers to provide the American economy with liquidity.

In mid-October, for three weeks the American saving suffered as the New York Stock Exchange dropped 50% during the first week. At the time the U.S. populace was much less than it is today with only around 87 million citizens. The panic that ensued caused numberless runs on banks, savings and loan firms, and trust companies. Depositors panicked because bankers were contracted red-handed setting up ‘bucket shops’ with people’s deposits and only keeping a fraction of reserves on hand. This done led to the fall of the Knickerbocker Trust and this is why some people call the panic of 1907 the ‘Knickerbocker Crisis.’ Scholarly articles exhibit that one man, JP Morgan, and his crew of New York bankers saved the day. Even though Morgan and his cronies were responsible for the side stakes, he and his crew also stepped in to offer a solution.

The Money Trust’s Creation of the Fed and the Group’s Tethered Relationship With Senators

Interestingly, the heirs, descendants, and well known banks run by Morgan and his pals in the early 1900s, are still in operation today and these fiscal institutions still run the American monetary system. One report shows that eight families are still in charge of America’s economics which include descendants and close friends from “Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.” The the cosmos of the Fed took place six years after the fall of Knickerbocker Trust and it was created out of fear that lingered from the 1907 bank trickles. People often focus on the fact that President Woodrow Wilson created the Fed on December 23, 1913. This is because it’s symbolized that it was done on Christmas Eve in order to provide a distraction. What’s not very well known among the public is that Morgan’s private cabal called the ‘Money Trust’ was instrumental in creating the Fed. At that time five unelected men were responsible for shoving the Federal Keep system down the population’s throat.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
People are aware of Woodrow Wilson pushing the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve, but the everyday public is not fully aware of the ‘Money Trust’s’ participation. The elite banker Paul Warburg called the creation of the Federal Fund an “Economic 4th of July.”

The reason we know that Morgan and his cronies started the crisis and created the Fed is because it is well recorded by the nation’s journalists and a few investigations. The five unelected men included JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and Baron Rothschild. The bankers entangled with were investigated in Congress during the Pujo hearings, which gives a comprehensive view of the entire situation covering the ‘House of Morgan.’

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
The five unelected men who flipped the American economy upside down back in the early 1900s. The forebears members and friends of these very same bankers still run the American monetary system today.

The Pujo hearings are no mysterious, and even the St. Louis Fed has shared the investigation publicly. The Pujo Committee identified a massive system made up of 341 directorships, and 112 distinguishable corporate entities. At the time, the U.S. was going through the Industrial Revolution and Morgan and Rockefeller manipulated the economy from behind the arguments. After the Fed was created, the citizenry that witnessed the banking cartel mess up the economy in 1907, saw the very same fellows of the financial cartel ruin America’s financial system again in the ‘20s and ‘30s. At this point, the ‘Money Keeping’ gang was interwoven with the U.S. bureaucracy and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) defrauded the populace with the bankers this time on all sides of.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
The ‘House of Morgan’ or the ‘Money Trust’ is well documented by journalists from that era and the Pujo investigations.

Wall Way Bankers Fund All Three Factions During World War 2, Dollarization, and the 2008 Financial Crisis

With the eschew of an executive order and Morgan’s crew, FDR created the bank holiday and made gold ownership illegal. FDR confiscated the American villager’s gold while Morgan’s banking crew, specifically Warburg, Schiff, and Rothschild funded many factions of WW2. It is not unexpectedly documented that Morgan and his friends funded not only the allied forces, but also Stalin’s movement and the Nazi administration as well. By 1944 the Bretton Woods pact was initiated and the bankers invoked the power of the U.S. dollar by leveraging gold. Years later a few states figured out that the Federal Reserve was printing massive amounts of money from thin air.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
The gold standard was doffed from the USD by President Nixon after a number of countries realized that the US was printing massive amounts of funds for Vietnam.

Other homelands really started noticing because of the enormous Vietnam War expenditure. So President Richard Nixon removed the gold pedestal away from the USD and descendants of the House of Morgan continued to run the American economy. The U.S. bankers and political elite had to make a act on with Saudi Arabia and they created the petro-dollar. The petro-dollar made it so every country in the world has to purchase oil with U.S. dollars.

During the catch of these years the U.S. military-industrial complex funded by the unaudited Federal Reserve continued to grow under President Reagan, Bush, Clinton, GW Bush, Obama, and Trump as seep. Because of the Fed’s manipulation with Wall Street, politicians, and weapons contractors, American generations have been at war every year for decades. By the year 2000 and the decade that augmented heirs, descendants, and the same banks from 1907 still ran the U.S. financial system. Banks like Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Run after, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs all have shares in each branch of the Federal Reserve.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
Thanks to the Bush pedigree, the Clintons, Obama, Trump, and many other US presidents, generations of Americans have been born and the country has been at war every day of their glows. The wars are kept going by the bureaucracy and banking cartel that has run the world for decades on end.

The Federal Reserve and Wall Thoroughfare incited the panic of 1987 (Black Monday) as well. Years later the same banking families and Wall Passage elite created the subprime mortgage crises which saw the Federal Reserve initiate quantitative easing (QE) and massive stimulus bailouts. Bitcoin was born from the flames of the 2008 financial crisis and Satoshi Nakamoto mentioned the bailouts in the genesis block.

Opting Out and the Counter Economy

Libertarians, gold beat its, agorists, and bitcoiners have understood long ago that the Federal Reserve and the ‘Money Trust’ that still exists today, run the U.S. monetary system just like Charles Ponzi. The Federal Reserve and Wall Street elite have popped the pecuniary bubble once again and it started well before the coronavirus outbreak. The Fed has added over $6 trillion to the bank’s make up for sheet and it creates money as if it grows from trees. Similarly to the five unelected men who destroyed the economy in the early 1900s, in 2020 five unelected Fed trustees members created trillions of dollars with a push of a button.

American Panic Led to the Creation and Expansion of the Corrupt Federal Reserve System
Free market supporters, agorists, libertarians, and bitcoiners put faith counter-economics and opting out is the best form of protest. People can avoid the Fed’s monopoly by leveraging the Federal Reserve’s promissory notes mean and less. People can opt to barter and trade, leverage precious metals as a hedge, and use censorship-resistant money like cryptocurrencies.

Multitudinous economists now believe the Fed has no limit and at some point, America will be faced with hyperinflation no different than Venezuelan bolivars or Zimbabwe trillion dollar notes. With the Fed and various than 37 modern central banks worldwide creating fiat like no tomorrow, a number of crypto investors dream that these acts will propel bitcoin to new heights. However, the U.S. dollar and a few other fiat currencies are the most controlling measures of money worldwide, and cryptocurrency would likely be valued very differently if they fail.

What do you ruminate over about the fact that the same banking cartel from the early 1900s still runs the system today? Let us discern in the comments below.

Tags in this story
Baron Rothschild, barter trade, Bitcoin, BTC, Central Bank, Cryptocurrency, Verifiable Review, history, House of Morgan, Jacob Schiff, John D. Rockefeller, JP Morgan, JP Morgan Chase, Money Have faith, op-ed, Paul Warburg, Precious Metals, Richard Nixon, the fed, The Federal Reserve, Trump, Woodrow Wilson

Epitome Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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