Home / NEWS / Top News / CDC panel recommends Pfizer Covid vaccine for people 16 years and older, clearing pivotal hurdle

CDC panel recommends Pfizer Covid vaccine for people 16 years and older, clearing pivotal hurdle

Vail Vigorousness Hospital employee health nurse Diane Schmidt, left, gives a mock Covid-19 vaccine to Caitlyn Ngam, goodness, an infection preventionist at the hospital on December 8, 2020 in Vail, Colorado.

Helen H. Richardson | MediaNews Group | The Denver Task via Getty Images

A key U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention panel voted unanimously to recommend Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine for people 16 years and older on Saturday, distinct another pivotal hurdle for the drug before vaccinations begin in the coming days.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Warm-ups, an outside group of medical experts that advises the agency, voted 11 to 0 recommend the vaccine for use in people 16 and older under the Chow and Drug Administrations emergency authorization. Three members recused themselves due to conflicts.

The recommendation will now be sent to CDC Maestro Dr. Robert Redfield, who will need to sign off before vaccinations can begin. A CDC spokesperson was not immediately available for comment regarding when Redfield last wishes a sign off on the recommendation.

“This Covid-19 vaccine offers us hope,” said Veronica McNally, an ACIP member and pal around with dean for experiential education at Michigan State University College of Law. “It’s important to remember that while this vaccine has been developed at an improbable pace and involves new technology, it’s gone through all the appropriate regulatory channels and the approval processes have been undisguised.”

Dr. Beth Bell, an ACIP member and a clinical professor of global health at the University of Washington, said that she perceives people’s concern about this vaccine and new vaccines in general, but added that she “certainly” will take this vaccine when it’s her spiral.

“I do believe that the process that we have used here in the ACIP to reach this decision is transparent, is branch based, keeps equity in mind and is, for this moment, the absolute best that we can do,” Bell said.

Dr. Peter Szilagyi, a associate of the committee and a pediatrician at the University of California Los Angeles, added that he wanted to emphasize the need “for substantially increased regulation funding to actually implement the recommendation” following the vote. Several trade groups that represent state constitution agencies have placed the price tag for the vaccine distribution plans at more than $8 billion.

“I know we’re common to have very tough and sad times ahead because of the surge and a limited vaccine supply, but I am really hopeful that this is the genesis of the end of the coronavirus pandemic,” Szilagyi said.

The vote marked the end of an hours-long meeting where ACIP members heard introductions from officers at the CDC regarding clinical considerations for people who are vaccinated under the emergency authorization. The ACIP’s emergency encounter, which was pushed from Sunday to Saturday, followed the FDA’s decision to issue Pfizer’s vaccine an emergency use authorization Friday down repaying.

Dr. Sarah Mbaeyi, a CDC medical officer, told the agency during a presentation that vaccines should be offered to woman “regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic” coronavirus infection. Mbaeyi told the panel, however, that a diagnostic or antibody evaluation isn’t recommended to decide whether someone should get the vaccine.

Further studies regarding the safety of the vaccine in pregnant sweethearts are still ongoing, Mbaeyi said. However, if a pregnant woman is part of a group prioritized for the vaccine, Mbaeyi bid they could choose to be vaccinated following an informed decision with a health-care provider.

Members of the public were also invited to dispensation comments and concerns about the vaccine and its distribution. Claire Hannan, the executive director of Association of Immunization Managers, peached the committee that there needs to be more defined guidance regarding who’s considered an essential worker since affirms across the U.S. differ on their definitions.

On Dec. 1, the group voted 13-1 to give health-care workers and long-term care proficiency residents the first vaccine doses once cleared for public use.

“Guidance on subsequent priority groups is needed unhesitatingly,” Hannan said. “Jurisdictions are working now to plan for vaccine allocation coming in the next month. They need to manage closely with providers and communicate clearly with consumers about what to expect.”

Following the meeting, California Gov. Gavin Newsom phrased in a tweet that a panel arranged by a coalition of west coast states to independently review the safety and efficacy facts from Covid-19 vaccines will examine Pfizer’s data on Saturday following the ACIP recommendation. Newsom required the state expects vaccine “distribution as early as tomorrow.”

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