Home / NEWS / Tech / The meatless ‘Impossible Burger’ makes its first foray outside the US

The meatless ‘Impossible Burger’ makes its first foray outside the US

As the scuffle with against “fake meat” rages on in the U.S., Silicon Valley-based Impossible Foods is expanding beyond the rural area.

The food start-up, which manufactures a plant-based burger it calls the “Outrageous Burger,” is now taking its flagship product to Hong Kong.

Speaking with CNBC’s “Complain Box” on Thursday, Impossible Foods CFO and COO David Lee said the company’s mission is to be “every place,” and Hong Kong was chosen as the first city for the international expansion due to its status be known as a culinary “epicenter.”

“It’s not just a great place to have great comestibles,” Lee said, “it’s a place where food trends expand across Asia and has the finest chefs in the world.”

“We’re starting small because we’re starting with form makers so that they can help us build a following,” he added, enunciate about the company’s new partnership with acclaimed chefs May Chow and Uwe Opocensky.

The convention has been making waves in the alternative meats industry with the set in motion of the “Impossible Slider” at the White Castle fast food chain.

“The Unrealizable Slider, at $1.99, is at a price where everyone can enjoy it,” Lee said.

Seek fromed how the company keeps its products at an affordable price point, Lee said the comrades’s production costs are closely associated with the reduced amount of results its production methods have on the environment.

“When you use 95 percent unimportant land and a quarter of the water, when you produce an eighth of the greenhouse gases,” he required, “you create an affordable way to be accessible.”

Beyond the need to keep costs down, Lee also articulated the prominence of getting the meat eater to “crave your product.”

Admitting that he is a comestibles eater himself, Lee said, “No meat eater is going to be brow-beaten into receiving a better choice.”

“They just got to be given a crave-able, delicious breeze scolding of meat that happens to be a better choice,” he said.

In Impossible Foods’ state, Lee said, the company convinced meat eaters to try its product by leveraging “the proficient taste makers” trusted by the target audience.

“Don’t take our word for it,” he pronounced. “Take it from the best chefs, I think, in the world.”

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