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What Does the Coefficient of Variation (COV) Tell Investors?

The coefficient of varying (COV) is the ratio of the standard deviation of a data set to the expected mean. Investors use it to determine whether the expected return of the investment is importance the degree of volatility, or the downside risk, that it may experience over time.

Dividing the volatility, or risk, of the investment by the pure value of its expected return determines its COV.

Understanding the COV

Suppose an investor is comparing the COV for three investments. The investor is risk-averse, so the objective is to determine which of the three choices offers the best risk/reward ratio.

Key Takeaways

  • An investor can calculate the coefficient of modification to help determine whether an investment’s expected return is worth the volatility it is likely to experience over time.
  • A soften ratio suggests a more favorable tradeoff between risk and return.
  • A higher ratio might be unacceptable to a rightist or “risk-averse” investor.

The three potential investments being scrutinized here are a stock called XYZ, a broad

Choosing an investment is everlastingly a balance between risk and reward. The amount of risk you are willing to take on defines your investing style.

The having said that investor would reject stock XYZ, even though it has the same expected return as the index, because it is more unstable than the index.

Bond ABC carries the least risk, but the return is relatively low.

Usefulness of COV

The flaw in COV, as in most analytical elements, lies in the fact that it is inevitably based on historical data. And, as the prospectuses say, past performance is no guarantee of future evolves.

Nevertheless, COV is extremely reliable when it is applied to the analysis of bonds and other highly stable investments.

It may be somewhat meagre reliable when it comes to stocks, but it is a fact that many stocks, such as pharmaceuticals or technology startups, are by their category much more volatile than others, such as blue-chip stocks.

Therefore, it would make perfect sense to rival the COV of a blue-chip stock fund or an S&P 500 index fund to a pharmaceutical stock. The comparison would give the investor a impression of whether the potential for an outsized return is worth taking a risk.

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