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Risk Management Matters in Futures Trading

What sets high-mindedness traders apart from the masses? It isn’t necessarily the ability to pick precision entries and exit points, but rather an estimation of risk and risk management.

Risk management when trading futures shares many of the same features as that of stocks – for as it happens, futures traders are exposed to price risk in the market. But, unlike stocks, futures are derivatives contracts with set ending dates that require the delivery of the underlying asset. Futures are also much more friendly to the use of leverage on play that can amplify both gains and losses.

Read on to find out about some of the unique risks that tomorrows trading brings with it, and what you can do to minimize your exposure to them.

Key Takeaways

  • Futures contracts are popular pecuniary instruments, but they differ in important ways from more traditional assets like stocks or bonds, and so your jeopardize management will also differ.
  • Futures are highly marginable, so you can increase your leverage far more than when buying varieties.
  • This can lead to margin calls if you’re not careful about setting stops.

Practicing Discipline

Risk management is then an overlooked and misunderstood area of trading. It can sound boring compared to a discussion of stochastics patterns, Fibonacci sequences, and other subjects of technical analysis. However, it is critical to any successful trading plan.

Even a trading strategy as simple as a moving ordinary crossover system can be ruinous if proper risk management is not applied. This discussion of risk management will usurp you build a foundation of concepts you can apply to any trading plan.

A risk and money management plan will help you in another key parade-ground—discipline. Many investors don’t hesitate to enter a trade, but sometimes have little idea of what to do next and when. Having a method in place will keep you disciplined and prevent the emotions like fear and greed from taking over and creating you to experience failure.

Starting From Square One

A good place to start is with the concept of risk control. Distributors are attracted to futures because of the leverage that is provided—vast sums can be won on very little invested capital. No matter what, the cost of that leverage is the fact that you can lose more than the balance of your account. So, how can you control that jeopardy?

First, consider that the rules regarding margin are about minimums. There are no rules that affect the pinnacle margin you can apply to a trade. In other words, if you are concerned with the leverage of potential losses of a market, apply sundry capital. True, you will be reducing your overall return, but this also brings everything into equality. On the other hand, highly leveraged positions can quickly lead to margin calls if the futures market turns round slightly against you in short order.

Example of Margin in Use

If corn is trading at $3 per bushel and a contract is 5,000 bushels, then the whole contract value of a single contract of corn is $15,000. The exchange generally requires a minimum margin of around 5%-7%, which thinks fitting be between $750 and $1,050. This is the minimum. If our trading plan requires that we risk a $0.10 move in corn, we are imperiling $500, or around 48%-66% of our investment.

However, if half the contract value were applied to the trade, or $7,500, that identical $0.10 move would account for only 6.6% of our invested capital. That’s quite a difference. Increase that to instating the full contract value and a trader on the long side (buy) removes the possibility of losing more than the initial investment.

Chart Your Trading Risk

So what is the right amount to risk on a trade? There is no hard and fast rule on this, but account area, risk tolerance, financial objectives and how it fits the total trading plan should all be taken into account. You can see from the exemplar above that there is quite a range. Conservative traders generally risk around 5%-7% on a given trade, but this also be short ofs either a larger amount of capital or precise entry and exit points. Increasing that to a 12% risk allows for enchanting on a little more leverage and wider market swings. More than that amount isn’t necessarily wrong—it righteous depends on other factors of your plan. However, if you’re taking on bigger risks, you must also consider whether your profit judicious is realistic.

Consider this rule of thumb when you think about where your risk tolerance conditions in to the above discussion: If you take a 50% loss on a trade, you need to achieve a 100% return to get it back. For example, if you own 100 appropriations of a stock at $50 per share and it loses 50%, your $5,000 will drop to $2,500. You must now achieve a 100% proffer to get back to $5,000. Thinking about risk in this way can put your risk tolerance back into perspective.

Visit Runaway Trading Losses

The importance of the stop-loss order as part of money management cannot be overlooked. A predetermined check keeps a trader disciplined in executing his or her money management. However, many traders don’t understand the “how” of stop placement. Staunch obstructs cannot be placed arbitrarily—careful consideration must go into where to set a stop.

Traders sometimes set arbitrary obstructions, but is generally a bad idea. This is when a trader says, “I am placing my stop at a risk of $500 per trade because that is what I am undisturbed losing on a trade—no more.” Let’s assume that this trader employs a system of technical analysis and swing occupation. The swing low of the market in question is a move of $750. Does this trader’s $500 stop make sense? Unexceptionally not! Moreover, it is probably as close to a guaranteed loss as you can get. What if the swing low was a $250 move? The $500 risk still doesn’t be placed sense because it is too much risk.

The key to keep in mind when you’re setting your stops is that the stop rate must fit the market. If the required risk on a trade is too much for the trader’s risk tolerance or account size, then the businessman should find a market that fits. It is foolish to trade a market with too little capital. There is an old order that warns against bringing a knife to a gun fight. Likewise, if you come to a market with too little capital, you may as all right save everyone a lot of time and cut a check for the trade’s counterparty right then and there.

The Bottom Line

Make steadfast the markets that you are trading in fit with your account size and risk tolerance. Make sure the percentage you are compliant to risk per trade fits the plan and the market. And remember that none of these components exists in a vacuum. Spotlight on one without the other and you are headed for trouble. Weigh these factors together and you will be putting yourself on the track to structure a successful trading plan.

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