What is a ‘Non-Interest-Bearing Drift Liability – NIBCL’
A Non-Interest-Bearing Current Liability (NIBCL) is a category of owing entered on the liabilities side of a balance sheet under Current Obstructions. While a NIBCL is a form of debt, representing a sum of money that the institution owes and must pay within one year, it does not require interest payments.
Schism DOWN ‘Non-Interest-Bearing Current Liability – NIBCL’
Non-interest-bearing current burdens are straightforward. Unlike interest-bearing current liabilities such as working extraordinary loans or the current portion (maturing in less than one year) of long-term due, the non-interest-bearing ones are just that – not subject to interest on the ‘debt’ that a guests owes.
Example of a Non-Interest-Bearing Current Liability
The Kroger Co. lists the issue under Current Liabilities on its FY2017 balance sheet: 1) present portion of long-term debt including obligations under capital contracts and financing obligations; 2) trade accounts payable; 3) accrued compensations and wages; 4) deferred income taxes; and 5) other in touch liabilities. Items 2, 3 and 4 are NIBCL. There may or may not be interest-bearing items under “other course liabilities.” Typically, “other” is not broken down in the Notes to the Pecuniary Statements.