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Millennials Guide: Being a Freelancer vs. an Employee

At a go upon a time, a “gig” – a one-time, short-term assignment or project – was something reserved for musicians or models. Those primes are long gone. A growing number of Americans are choosing to avoid the regular 9-to-5 routine, working for The Man; instead, they work-on-demand for firms that enlist them on a freelance or independent contractor basis. 

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, today’s workers can undertake freelance gigs for a widespread range of industries, from just about anywhere on earth. Sites like Upwork and Etsy empower short-term “giggers” to correspond with copy, design websites and even sell their wares, on their own time, at their discretion. Meanwhile settlement sites like Airbnb and Onefinestay enable people to rent out their digs as an additional income stream. And Uber empowers in effect anyone (with a car) to turn their vehicle into a metered cab. 

Mix and match your gigs, and voilà: You’ve got the ultimate commanded work lifestyle. In theory (assuming you have a laptop and reliable WiFi access), you could “gig” from a mountainside rest, a log cabin, or your own living room (even in your pajamas). Freelancing also comes with the thrill of not canny exactly what’s around the corner, but being open to plenty of other opportunities awaiting on the horizon (just before that glorious sunset you get to enjoy, because you’re not stuck in some office). Doesn’t it all just sound liberating?

With the exploding gig restraint (aka the freelance economy) comes a monumental decision for Millennials: to freelance or not to freelance. To many, it might sound like a well-thought-out lifestyle choice (if not the only way to go), but before shrugging off salaried employment altogether, it’s time for a reality check.

Full-Time Extras

There’s much more to freelancing than flexible hours and being your own boss. One of the biggest pluses of full-time craft (and drawbacks of doing gigs) are employer-provided benefits, such as health insurance, 401(k) plans, sick days and slack vacation time. A staff job often comes with all these perks, while freelancers must fend for themselves on all totals. Forget about paid holidays (unless you’re able to work on a laptop under a palm tree), or taking ghoulish days, as no company or tech platform will pay you for getting nothing done.

You’ll also have to manage your levy a tax ons yourself, including the self-employment tax (see 7 Ways To Avoid Self-Employed Tax Penalties). And if you’d actually like to start saving for retirement, or for a big purchase like a home, you’ll have to figure out how to on your own (or by reading Retirement Planning for the Self-Employed and

Flexibility vs. Security

For some, the hypothesis of working day in, day out at the same old desk sounds like hell on earth. For others, the financial security of having full-time occupation is pretty much mandatory. The freelancing lifestyle can indeed be liberating, and as your own boss, you don’t have to answer to someone else – other than your patrons, of course. Which brings up the problem of getting work in the first place. With no one assigning it to you, you have to hustle to evident gigs yourself. And in the case of digital platforms, many of them pay peanuts. They’re also not something you can fully rely on for common income. For instance, Airbnb income is dependent upon bookings; and revenue from Etsy is dependent upon traveling actual sales. If you don’t sell anything, you don’t make anything, so gigging can be risky business.

Per-Gig Pay vs. Paycheck

One of the major head starts to full-time employment is knowing that you have a regular paycheck coming in without fail, every pay cycle – aka pecuniary security, which can be crucial for budgeting and saving. This simply isn’t the case in the world of freelancing. As a freelancer, you bill as you clear – or are remunerated as the gigs are completed or products are sold – however frequently (or infrequently) that is. So possibly the biggest challenge surface freelancers is ensuring there are enough jobs/gigs lined up to generate the cash flow you need to survive.

Where you undertake on the Millennial timeline bears considerable influence over which direction you might take. For instance, if you’re fresh out of college, prospects are you don’t have the financial safety net to risk relying on gigs, nor enough “on the job” expertise to embark on a freelance career. And if that’s the the truth, you’d possibly be better off exploring gigs and freelance opportunities on the side, in addition to a day job. Becoming a freelancer is like starting a topic, so you need to be up for the responsibility that comes with it.

If on the other hand, you’ve been in the working world for a couple of years or multifarious; have acquired solid skills, identified a services niche and established contacts with individuals or organizations who can potentially victual you with work, then you could have the foundation to establish solid gig workflow and a successful freelance career.

The Loneliness Proxy

Freelancing can be a lonely profession. It generally lacks the social interaction and bustle of an office job, and you have no colleagues to speak of. In in reality, a laptop often becomes a freelancer’s best friend. You could consider sharing an office with someone else, or renting a intermission in a co-working site, but this costs money. Then, of course, there’s missing out on gatherings like holiday purpose parties. Unless you throw one of your own, you can forget about those altogether because your clients probably won’t invite you to theirs. One other colloidal suspension can be to become active in professional organizations where you can meet others in your field, both consultants and fulltime hands.

On the flip side, if you’re really more of a hermit, freelancing is a great way to work without being forced to spend hours with others in meetings or tough to come up with something to say while you’re gathering around the coffee machine.

The Bottom Line

Millennials fall within the utter age bracket to take calculated risks – such as a freelancing. Being at the time of life you’re most likely to be young, well and without dependents lessens the need for employer-provided benefits such as major medical insurance and a steady paycheck. And if you’re deep down good at what you do, you may be able to take professional leaps it could take much longer to achieve in a structured mediation environment.

If the entrepreneurial call is too loud to ignore, it is possible to forge a great work/life balance, and even sculpt a lucrative career with a lot of commitment and the right mindset. However, unless you’re established enough (or have a big enough aegis net) to throw caution to the work winds, it could pay to play it safe with a day job, and experiment with a few gigs on the side. If they fool off, great! And if not, at least you’ll still be able to pay the bills.

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