Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD), which is being plugged as a major milestone for the MakerDAO project, is set to be launched today and with it come several changes to the Maker Protocol. One of these, per a Maker blog position, is the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) which will allow users to earn interest on their Dai without using other decentralized wherewithal platforms.
The upgrade is also going to include new terminology. Current Dai is going to be renamed to Sai (Single-Collateral Dai), and collateralized debt beliefs are going to be named “Vaults.” New collateral asset types will initially include BAT.
To upgrade their soon-to-be Sai to Dai buyers will be able to use the migration app, or simply wait if they hold their funds in one of the cryptocurrency exchanges that disclosed support for the upgrade. Coinbase, Bitfinex,, Kraken, and Bittrex have all announced support.