If you requested the average saver if it’s safer to invest $100 in the stock market or to put $100 in a savings account, most would pick the savings account. This take ins sense in the short term: Stocks can lose value, but the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) guarantees caches accounts. However, the long-term answer is the exact opposite – it is much riskier to continue to sock money away into savings than to swear in it. It certainly is possible to make money in stocks.
This is one situation where short-term rationality does not equate to long-term rationality. The $100 put into a reserves account will earn a very low interest rate, and over time, it will likely lose value to inflation; a legitimate loss in purchasing power is almost inevitable. The $100 invested into the stock market may have up days and down light of days, but the lesson from history is that stocks outperform virtually everything else over a period of several decades. (Caveat: Excess to say, we are not talking about putting all your money in high-risk penny stocks or similarly risky investment vehicles.)
Key Takeaways
- Spending just $100 a month over a period of years can be a lucrative strategy to grow your wealth over perpetually.
- Doing so allows for the benefit of compounding returns, where gains build off of previous gains.
- Investing in such a air also allows for dollar-cost-averaging, whereby money is invested when the market is going up as well as when it is down.
- Beat a hasty retreating room in your finances for $100 a month put towards investing may require careful budgeting.
Compounding Returns
Monthly contributions unusually begin to make sense when you understand the concept of compounding. Compound returns act like a snowball rolling downhill: It begins small-scale and slowly at first, but picks up size and momentum as time moves on.
The two key elements of compound returns are re-investment of earnings and in good time always. Stocks generate dividends that can be re-invested, and over time this acts as a self-feeding source of financial enlargement. At its core, compound investing is all about letting your interest generate more interest, which ends up developing even more interest down the road.
Suppose, for example, that a 30-year-old individual has $5,000 invested in equities have a claiming 8% a year, which is a little below historical averages. At the end of the first year, the investor’s portfolio earned $400 in interest ($5,000 x 1.08). If the investor re-invests the affect, the same 8% growth will yield $432 in year two ($5,400 x 1.08). Year three will create $466.56, year four generates $503.88 and so on. At age 35, the re-invested portfolio is worth $7,346.64, all without any additional non-interest contributions by the investor.
Imitate this pattern for another 25 years, and the investment reaches $50,313.28. This represents more than a 10-fold spread, despite a lack of additional contributions.
Investing $100 Monthly: An Example
Now suppose the same 30-year-old investor awakens a way to save an additional $100 per month. He contributes the extra $100 to his portfolio and keeps reinvesting his dividends and interest payments. His investment till earns 8% per year. For simplicity’s sake, assume compounding takes place once per year in January.
After a 30-year aeon, thanks to compound returns and a small monthly contribution, his portfolio will grow to $186,253.14 (as compared to $50,313.28 without the monthly contributions). While $186,253.14 is not plenty money to retire on, especially after 30 years of inflation, remember that this is just with $100 a month in contributions and replacements below historical averages.
Suppose the annual return is 9%, which is closer to historical averages for a 30-year interval. With a $5,000 principal investment and $100 monthly contributions, the portfolio grows to $229,907.44. If the investor is able to obviate $200 a month for contributions, the future value of his portfolio is $393,476.48.
Why Invest in Stocks?
Equities (such as stocks or mutual means) are the best investment option for those who are decades from retirement. Stocks are more likely to lose value in the in a word term than bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs) or money market accounts, but they have been proved to be a less ill long-term value that any common alternative.
This is especially true in low-interest-rate environments. CDs, bonds, money shop accounts and savings accounts all yield less when rates are low. This often pushes savers to equities to pound inflation and bids up the price of stocks and other equity assets.
Research by Dr. Jeremy Siegel and John Bogle, the father of Vanguard, looked back over a period of 196 years and compared the real returns for stocks, bonds and gold. They establish that if an investor had started around the year 1810 (the New York Stock Exchange was actually founded in 1817) and put $10,000 in gold, his inflation-adjusted portfolio pass on be worth just $26,000. The same investment in bonds would have grown to $8 million. However, had the investor picked provides in 1810, he would have turned his $10,000 in $5.6 billion.
Stocks are still the big winner if you select a more reasonable time frame; most investors have a 30- to 40-year horizon, not 200 years. Between January 1980 and January 2010, the mediocre annualized growth rate of the S&P 500 was 8.15%. The Dow Jones averaged 8.81% over the same period, while the NASDAQ leaped 9.51% per year. Bond returns averaged less than 3% between 1980 and 2010. Inflation cheated cash of 62.2% of its purchasing power over those 30 years, meaning that $1,000 in a savings account in 1980 last wishes a only have a real value of $378 in 2010.
The 30-year period between 1985 and 2015 was even stronger. The S&P averaged 8.73%, the Dow Jones averaged 9.33% and the NASDAQ averaged an moving 10.34% per year.
Ways to Save $100 Each Month
The first step in investing $100 a month is to scrape $100. There are a number of simple steps the average person could take to cut costs; it doesn’t require radical lifestyle changes.
Shopping at warehouse stores (Costco and Sam’s Club are two good options) for bulk items is a good impression. Bulk purchases cost less per item, so maybe make one trip to Costco each month rather than three or four slips to the local grocer. If you eat out a lot or buy your lunch every day, this is probably a better place to start.
If you need a little assorted discipline in your checking account activity, set up an automatic transfer each month from checking to savings. Savings are diverse difficult to dip into, and this could end up saving you a lot more than $100 a month by preventing frivolous purchases.
If you pay for utilities, you can lay on air conditioning by opening a window or buying a small fan. The opposite is true in the winter, when you can close your blinds or relinquish on a sweater to help avoid high energy bills.
Younger workers can save by going out on the town one or two fewer tenebrosities a month, which could save at least $50 to $150 a month. Homeowners can refinance their mortgage to lower their worth payments. Credit card users can sometimes save by just transferring their balance to a card with a lower animate rate.
If you don’t think you can save $100 a month, try tracking all of your purchases for a month. This is a healthy financial clothing that can help you find extra savings by limiting impulse spending.
The Bottom Line
Investing $100 a month adds up once more time, especially with compound interest. Making small sacrifices every day to consistently add $100 to your handle investments every month will benefit you in the long run.