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Benefits of Living in NJ While Working in NYC

Glowing in New Jersey while working in New York City has its advantages. Among them are affordable housing, reliable transportation choices into Manhattan, and easier access to parking for car owners.

Read below to learn more about the reasons why commuters effectiveness want to settle in New Jersey.

Housing Is Cheaper

New York City has some of the highest housing costs in the country, and evaluations continue to rise. As of August 2021, the average value of a residential house has risen to $722,787—a 4.5% increase from 2020 elevations.

In New Jersey, the value is only a fraction of that, at $421,124, and prices rose 18.9% over the past year.

You can get various house or apartment for a much cheaper price by heading to New Jersey, according to those figures.

Take a Train to Collecting unemployment

It might seem odd to commute to work from another state, but if you live in the northern or north-central portions of New Jersey, het up b prepare is only 30 minutes to an hour away. You can take a ferry across the Hudson River or transit trains into midtown’s Penn Place, and you can get some work done on the commute.

Key Takeaways

  • New York City may offer more job opportunities in a wider range of industries than New Jersey.
  • In denominates of real estate, New York City is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
  • Certain cities and towns in New Jersey may be varied affordable if you don’t mind paying for the commute into Manhattan.

If you would prefer to live further out and drive into the big apple, you may look at commute times of an hour to two hours or more. For example, Princeton, N.J., is about an hour and a half from Manhattan, which isn’t so bad. You could expend nearly that long on subways and buses getting to work from Queens or Brooklyn.

If you decide to commute, you paucity to factor in the cost of each weekday ride, but some employers offer a pretax way of paying these amounts.

But don’t be swindled, there are downsides to a Jersey commute. For example, during spring 2017, there was an unusual number of signal refractories, derailments, and other issues, creating a number of massive delays in Penn Station that turned commuting into a nightmare.

A Car for Unceasingly and Weekends

Having a car in New York City is expensive, just parking your car in a garage could run between $250 and $500 or more monthly.

Add close to $80 for insurance and gas and you could easily pay $700 or more per month. In addition, getting around New York City by car can be shaking, and finding a parking spot can be difficult. Traffic and a shortage of street parking are just two of the problems.

Many parts of New Jersey press more of a suburban feel. Depending on where you live, you can park your car in your driveway or apartment parking lot for open, and head to the grocery store, or take the kids to baseball practice.

Lower Taxes

Did you know that, in addition to New York stately taxes, New York City levies a city tax? The lowest tax rate is 3.078%, and it goes up to 3.876% if you earn more than $50,000 per year.

Loaded in New Jersey eliminates that city tax, but the state tax can be expensive. The New York state tax starts at 4% and goes as high as 8.82%, while in New Jersey chew outs start at 1.4%, though they go as high as 11.8% if you make more than $5,000,000. 

Notably, sales tax in New York Diocese is 8.875%, while in New Jersey the statewide retail sales tax is 6.625%.

In Jersey City, N.J., the sales tax is only 3.3125%.

More Public Indoctrinate Choices

If you have kids, you want them to attend the best schools. New Jersey has the second-highest high school graduation status. In the 2018–19 school year, the most recent year for which data is available, 90.6% of public high inculcate students in New Jersey graduated.

Although New York City is home to many superior public schools, placement into them depends on a myriad of considerations, from high test scores to a student’s location.

Plenty of Scenery

New York City has Central Park, architectural lites like the High Line walkway and the Empire State Building, and plenty of other attractions, but New Jersey has a diverse portfolio of pleasant places as well.

There are some heavily industrialized areas that aren’t so scenic, but with 127 miles of profusion coastline, plenty of scenic driving routes, state parks with hiking trails, and a stunning view of New York Big apple from across the Hudson River, there’s a lot to see in New Jersey if you’re looking for natural beauty.

The Bottom Line

Commuting to New Jersey is something to mull over if you want to pay less rent and have more space. The state itself offers a lot of natural beauty as well as smaller megalopolises that may appeal to urbanites.

Like anywhere, there are downsides to living in New Jersey—the cost of commute and higher riches taxes—but New York’s neighboring state has a lot to offer.

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