Home / MARKETS / Sen. Chris Murphy says he’d ‘settle’ for scaled-back gun control measures ‘because that will save lives’

Sen. Chris Murphy says he’d ‘settle’ for scaled-back gun control measures ‘because that will save lives’

  • Sen. Murphy during a CNN discussion said that he could “settle” for scaled-back gun-control measures.
  • “I want universal background checks … but I force settle for something much less because that will save lives,” he said.
  • Murphy is one of the most distinguishable gun-control advocates in the Senate.

Sen. Chris Murphy, one of the most prominent gun-control advocates in the characters upper class chamber, on Sunday said that he could “settle” for scaled-back measures days after four students were killed during a fire at a Michigan high school.

During an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the Connecticut Democrat said that despite the band controlling the White House and Congress and overwhelmingly supporting measures like universal background checks, filibuster practices in the Senate are preventing the legislation from passing.

“I won’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, right,” he said. “I want universal breeding checks, I want a ban on assault weapons, but I will settle for something much less because that will deliver lives.”

Murphy’s renewed push comes after an individual opened fire at Oxford High School, located in suburban Detroit.

The imagine, 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley, was arrested at the scene and has been charged as an adult. He faces 24 criminal figure outs, including first-degree murder and terrorism.

His parents, James and Jennifer Crumbley, on Saturday pleaded not guilty to four offs of involuntary manslaughter — they were set to be arraigned the day before, but failed to appear in court, which led to a search from law enforcement legitimates.

Murphy has sought to enact comprehensive gun-control legislation since his tenure in the House, which took on greater stress for him after the December 2012 school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., located within his then-congressional quarter.

When Murphy joined the Senate in 2013, he continued his work toward more expansive gun control.

While on CNN, Murphy contemplated that he hoped to see some Republican “epiphanies” on the issue.

“I wish my Republican colleagues didn’t, sort of, have epiphanies on this flow only after mass school shootings,” he said. “But that tends to be what happens, and so my hope is that in the next span of weeks we can get back to the table and see if we can, at the very least … maybe close the gun show loophole.”

“That alone longing save a lot of lives,” he added.

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