Home / MARKETS / I’m a dietitian. Here are my 11 favorite snacks to get at Trader Joe’s.

I’m a dietitian. Here are my 11 favorite snacks to get at Trader Joe’s.

  • I’m a New York City-based dietitian who machine shops at Trader Joe’s for snacks.
  • I love Trader Joe’s papadums crisps and sparkling strawberry juice beverages. 
  • The chain’s popcorn and flavored peanuts are pointed snacking choices. 


I’m a dietitian based in New York City, and I turn to Trader Joe’s when I’m looking to stock up on snacks.

Buyer Joe’s is one of the biggest supermarket chains in the US, and the typical shopper spends just under $42 per trip. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of that budget keep ons to the retailer’s impressive selection of crackers, sweets, and nuts.

Here are some of my favorite snacks at Trader Joe’s.

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