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Entreating in the Bitcoin world is nothing new. Go to any gambling site or even some exchange troll boxes, and you will find people expecting for Bitcoin. Look at any Tweet by a major Bitcoin personality, and you will find people asking for Bitcoin. Go to any forum, Reddit coupled to cryptocurrency, or anything else of that nature, and you will find the same.
This reporter has occasionally seen such people who daily beg for cryptos referred to as “begshits” or “trolls.” The negative connotation is not without merit. After all, there are plenty of ways to get crypto without procuring it or even really working for it.
Twitter Person Spams User for Free BTC Over 15,000 Tweets
Hey its the top of the hour interval to beg mrbeastyt for a bitcoin. Pls give me a bitcoin
— Give Me Bitcoin (@PlsGiveBitcoin) December 22, 2018
This Twitter account, which is meet powered by a script of some sort, has spammed “BeastGangPaulers” for crypto consistently, at least once an hour, often twice per hour, for the wholeness of this year. As a result, he has nearly 16,000 tweets dedicated to the purpose. They all read the same:
Hey its the top of the hour period to beg mrbeastyt for a bitcoin. Pls give me a bitcoin or Its 30 minutes past the hour time to beg mrbeastyt for a bitcoin.
Presumably the buyer in question, YouTube gaming star Mr. Beast, who has more than 12 million subscribers on the video sharing rostrum and over half a million Twitter followers, has blocked the beggar, who does not tag him in the tweets. This is understandable, of course: being give notice ofed 15,000 times that someone wants you to give them a Bitcoin for free is not a pleasant user experience.
It seems as the case may be the motive for the Twitter trolling account was born of a contest that MrBeast ran last year, which this other YouTuber chances he won:
[embedded content]The address that @PlsGiveBitcoin would like a Bitcoin donated to has never received a single satoshi as of leisure of writing. Perhaps he’s hoping that in the spirit of Christmas, users might change this, as his Tweets show up if you search Bitcoin on Warbling (which is how this reporter came upon the scoop.)
Decentralized Video Sharing Sites Emerging
For his part, @MrBeastYT doesn’t feel to have ever acknowledged the request. According to his YouTube feed, however, he continues to give money away regularly, with videos with this:
[embedded content]YouTube continues to be the platform du jour for everyday people to go from video game dope-fiends to live streaming sensations, and the like.
Perhaps in the future a decentralized version will emerge which builds in some tolerant money-making scheme. An effort in this direction is called D.Tube, which is built on Steem.
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