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The NFL Is About to Make a Killing from Sports Betting

As the National Football League (NFL) kicks off tonight, the league will rake in riches in a intact new way. Last year, the supreme court struck down a federal law from 1992, which banned sports punt in most states. It’s now fully legal in 13 states with more on the way. The NFL will look to take full superiority.

13 states have already legalized full-scale sports betting. | screenshot from espn.com

The NFL Has a New Billion Dollar Pamper

The American Gaming Association and Nielsen compiled a report that projects the NFL to earn $2.3 billion annually from authorized sports betting. Some $573 million of that total would come from gaming-related revenue. This comprises sponsorship, advertising, and product fees paid directly from sports bettors. The other $1.75 billion is projected to turn from increased consumption and engagement with the league.

In fact, ESPN released a survey yesterday showing that 75% of bettors bring to light they are more likely to watch a game they placed money on. The survey also revealed that 15% of all Americans blueprint to bet on NFL games this year. It’s clear that the NFL is ready to evolve from its anti-gambling position of yesteryear.

Ed Moed, CEO of HPL Digital Pastime, told ESPN,

“When we did the survey, what became clear is the NFL has really built this perfect vehicle to employ current and new bettors, whether it be fantasy or online bettors.”

The Money Keeps Coming

According to USA Today, the NFL made a unqualified of $16 billion in revenue last year. Combine that with normal annual growth and the sports stake revenue, and the league could flirt $20 billion in revenue this season.

Will it Come to the Players?

With all those riches in tow, diverse NFL players have been wondering when they’ll get a raise. Star players have been voicing their disapproval with teams and sitting out games in hopes of getting bigger contracts. Their unrest reached a climax when usual NBA players started getting ridiculously large contracts. 

The player behind one of the biggest up to date contract disputes just got his way. Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott ended a 40-day holdout yesterday after fingers on to an agreement with the team.  The Dallas Cowboys agreed to pay the young star $90 million over six years.

At $15 million per year, the deal makes him the highest-paid sustained back in NFL history. According to CBS Sports, Elliott’s contract was a rare win for the player over the team. With the NCAA surface the possibility of letting their players earn a living, it’s clear the American football players are ready to get paid. With the NFL capitalizing on the make a laughing-stock ofs betting craze, they can surely afford it.

Last modified (UTC): September 5, 2019 11:58 PM

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