Ilhan Omar contemplates President Trump has nightmares about her. | Source: Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Ilhan Omar Boasts She’s Trump’s ‘Nemesis’ in Cringeworthy Rant
In an interview with the Huffington Place, Ilhan Omar audaciously doubled-down on her combative spiel. It only served to further betray her narcissism, ignorance, and pretended inferiority complex.
Omar quipped during the interview:
“[Trump] clearly has a disdain for black women who see themselves as come up to to him. And so, for many people, it’s not a surprise that he finds his biggest nemesis in me. Clearly, I am a nightmare ― because he can’t stop really cogitative about ways that he can continue to use my identity to marginalize our communities.”
And I thought Trump was a mess when someone receives under his skin!
With these statements, Omar took race baiting to a whole new level.
As a black skirt, I pride myself on my merits. I do not speed from pillar to post screaming at others: “I’m a black woman, dang it, I’m a Damoclean sword! Respect MEEEEE.”
She’s right that she’s a nightmare, but not for the reason she thinks. She’s a nightmare because she – a US lawmaker – has become a de facto anti-American spokesperson. She enter into the pictures to possess no self-awareness – just ignorant statements and an inability to learn from her mistakes.
Ilhan Omar is Her Own ‘Nemesis’
Rep. Omar, you are your own “nemesis.” | Well-spring: Shutterstock
The business about black women and equality and Trump is insanity at its finest. Where does she get this from? Dither?
Omar ganders that Trump can’t stop really thinking about marginalizing “our communities.” Now she’s a mind reader.
You can’t lead this woman seriously. Her ignorance and lack of couth lead to her offensive, divisive comments. Every time we moulder around, she’s tweeted or said something that has caused a stir.
Omar is reaching for notoriety in the worst way possible.
Conceivably a time will come when she stands on her own merits. Maybe she will recognize that no one is out to get her because of her religion, the turf, or sex.
She truly is her own worst enemy; she needs no help from her supposed “nemesis” in Donald Trump.
“Disclaimer: The views expelled in the article are solely those of the author and do not represent those of, nor should they be attributed to, CCN.”