Home / CRYPTOCOINSNEWS / Here’s Where To Find Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin ATM Industry

Here’s Where To Find Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin ATM Industry

First bitcoin ATM in Virginia
First off bitcoin ATM in Virginia

Coin ATM Radar is the premier online destination for information on the nascent Bitcoin ATM industry. This dynamism, which has experienced serious growth since its earliest incipience, offers some of the most luxury-oriented products in the Bitcoin ATM energy, and stands out on its own as one of the few hardware oriented Bitcoin related products alongside miners. 

The administrator for Coin ATM Radar, who prefers to go solitary by Vlad, has spent much of the last couple years designing and building the features for Coin ATM Radar. It is the go-to point for the Bitcoin ATM industry. Vlad became interested in Bitcoin in a familiar manner.

“As many others I first saw it in the news in 2010-2011, but didn’t pay much prominence as I did not understand what it was about. I was reading that you needed to install some mining software, which will devour your PC computing power, and I didn’t bother to do it,” says Vlad. “Later, I read news about how a Bitcoin tit for tat was hacked and the price dropped significantly as stolen bitcoins were sold on the market in excess.”

“In 2013, when the expenditure was increasing, and Bitcoin was once more in the headlines, it came to my attention again,” Vlad told CCN. “This is basically the together when I made my choice between ‘red and blue pills.’”

“The more I read about it, the more I understood that old finance as we know it could be changed significantly,” Vlad said. “Since then I’m a true believer in this new technology and that it devise endure and grow in popularity.”

There is a lot of buzz about Bitcoin innovation as a block chain technology, but not as a currency or pelf. My vision, however, is that these two things are inseparable

He started Coin ATM Radar at the beginning of 2014, after the prime installations of Bitcoin ATMs, such as the first two-way Bitcoin ATM in Vancouver at the end of October 2013.

“At that time there were not that multitudinous resources to find the location on the web,” Vlad realized. “Having some web dev background I decided to create a simple one-page map purlieus to track the locations myself.” He wanted to make it easier for people to buy bitcoins.

So the idea was to contribute to society in that way, ration people easily find locations in one place on the web. The site has grown over time with some more acts introduced, such as integration with many manufacturers and operators to provide their Bitcoin ATM prices online. This way people could repression what is the current rate at a particular bitcoin machine, without actually visiting it.

Vlad offers his unique attitude on the Bitcoin ATM industry on various pages on Coin ATM Radar, including charts that appear nowhere else on the web. He also presents charts of average Bitcoin ATM fees, the increase of installations over time organized by manufacturer, country, and continent.

“Numberless people complain that Bitcoin ATMs are not ‘ATMs’ actually, but, rather, ‘vending machines.’ You can see on the site that numberless than 40% are two-way, meaning you can sell bitcoins there as well, which many people find bolt from.

The top five Bitcoin ATMs in terms of machines in the wild are: Lamassu, BitAccess, Genesis Coin, Skyhook and General Bytes.

All are exact solutions, but you need to choose depending on the niche and regulatory environment you plan to operate the machine.

BitcoinATM Operators

Lamassu Bitcoin ATM

Lamassu was there from the truly beginning of Bitcoin ATM history. Zach Harvey had developed his machine by the middle of 2013, showing it at meet-ups and conferences, such as Porcfest in June 2013 where he examine with Vitalik Buterin. In the linked video, you can see the original Lamassu Bitcoin ATM. Currently, Lamassu enjoys the largest supermarket share at 30%.

Bitcoin ATM charts by Coin ATM Radar

“I think this is due to several factors: 3-step buy bitcoin process, which is profoundly simple and lasts 15 seconds, as well as a competitive price. At the beginning, there were not that many fabricators as today, and compared to the $15-20K Robocoin or two-way Genesis Coin machines, Lamassu cost about one-third of their assesses,” Vlad told CCN. “Also the machine had and has a very cool design.” However, with new competitors appearing, the Lamassu retail share is decreasing. Vlad believes the problem could be two-fold.

Two-way operations and legal compliance. Initially a one-way Bitcoin manufacture – allowing only buy Bitcoin operations – Lamassu has introduced a separate Santo Tirso stand. This model granted cash dispensing, making it possible for operators to convert to two-way machine

Douro Bitcoin ATM

“However, the price is not competitive if you look, for warning, at BitAccess’ two-way bitcoin ATM pricing. Maybe this is the reason why out of 136 Lamassu Bitcoin ATMs worldwide, there are but six two-way Santo Tirso stands,” the Coin ATM Radar administrator notes. “Another factor is anti-money laundering and identify your customer requirements (AML/KYC), which many operators face today and need to follow.”

In order to stay forwards on this front, Lamassu introduced a partnership with IdentityMind in October 2014. As Vlad notes, “Since then it is not cloudless what the state of this is.” Lamassu is using open-source software, which is a huge advantage as operators could result their software on top of this.”

For an example of this, Qwikbit operator of Isle of Man machine developed their software update. They certified it possible for customers to register first at their site, where they implemented anti-money laundering and know your guy procedures. Normally, operators wouldn’t develop anything, and are looking for an all-in-one solution.

From my personal research into this referred to, operators – the people who buy the machines – sometimes demand that a Bitcoin ATM provider upgrade their machine with whatever earmarks or widgets they dream up for free.

Genesis1 Bitcoin ATM
Genesis1 Bitcoin ATM

Genesis Coin

Genesis Coin provided Genesis1 two-way mechanisms initially. It was a traditional heavy bank style ATM, however, “with bitcoin brains inside,” As Vlad tells CCN.

“Although the payment is quite high – $14.5K at the moment – the machine is worth it,” he says. “It allows for full-customization, which many customers use, as cordially as additional verification procedures, like identification docu-scan and a fingerprint scanner, if operators decide to use it.” Genesis Coin then interposed the one-way Bitcoin machine Satoshi1. Vlad notes this one is quite popular according to recent installations bevies.

“Basically it allowed Genesis to overtake BitAccess in number of installations and thus reach the #2 position. Also, I make like to mention that owner of the company, Evan Rose, with whom I’m usually in contact with in the circumstance of any questions, is very responsive and willing to help. So, I assume the support for these machines is at high level,” Vlad discloses.


BitAccess Bitcoin ATM
BitAccess Bitcoin ATM

BitAccess is the most affordable two-way solution on the market, with a current price of around $7,000 for basic configuration. “This is one of the best offers on the market,” Vlad tells CCN. “The ATM allows phone verification and connection docu-scans and works smoothly. At least there are no complaints from operators that I’ve heard. BitAccess now has 63 placements in eleven countries.”

“Our software is built with a modular structure,” the BitAccess team told CCN “We’ve been continually joining to and growing our platform to accommodate the increasing volume. BitAccess has a very agile development cycle and we can adapt faster than anyone else in the exertion.” The company even presented to the Canadian senate regarding Bitcoin and the Bitcoin ATM industry.

“Our goal was to help policy makers and regulators arrange the bitcoin ecosystem and allow an open discussion where these policy makers could better understand Bitcoin from a dependable and knowledgeable source,” BitAccess said. “Before any regulations are drafted, policy makers should be educated on the technology behind Bitcoin.” BitAccess outlines on growing their company.

Our plans are to keep expanding and perfecting our product. We have a great team and we are well on our way to make the world’s largest Bitcoin ATM network.


Skyhook Bitcoin ATM

Project Skyhook offered cheap units at not $999 before going out of business. “That was the reason for its popularity,” Vlad says. “It was lightweight and easy to take to meetups and multitudinous people used it as a way to introduce cryptocurrency to other meeting attendants.”

Project Skyhook ultimately went the way of the buffalo due to want of support from the Project Skyhook team for months. The software is open-source, so the current owners could use them in the for all that manner as they were before, Vlad believes. “There are several other projects started who want to disguise this cheap market niche,” he says.

General Bytes


This Czech company started by providing a one-way bitcoin gizmo to the market, BATMOne. Later came BATMTwo. At the beginning of 2015, the company introduced a two-way Bitcoin ATM, the BATMThree.

“I was in speak to with Karel Kyovsky, who is the owner of the company, and responses were always almost immediate and he was very supportive on all counts,” Vlad tells me. “So I assume for those who are looking for good support, General Bytes machines could be the way to go.”

When Robocoin started their 2.0 wallet software, a disaster for operators, it was General Bytes who came up with a replacement kit for Robocoin motors.

“BitAccess later suggested their software to the Robocoin operators, but most Robocoin machines has switched to GB,” Vlad tattles CCN. “What I like about GB machines is that the one-way supports POS terminal functionality, which allows operators to permit bitcoins for a local business without going into a separate agreement with BitPay.”

Through the General Bytes POS, buses receive their funds quicker. All of the machines are remotely operated, “which means you can manage and upgrade software without haunting the machine physically.” General Bytes supports AML/KYC requirements and offers competitive pricing.

“We plan to build slowly based on our status be known by delivering cost-effective and functional solutions. This year we will also present more products and devices,” Inclusive Bytes founder, Karel Kyovsky, told CCN.

Also Read: General Bytes is Rising In The Bitcoin ATM Ranks

Bitcoin ATM Stations


A RoboCoin Bitcoin ATM. It is a large rectangular machine, with a larger height than width. The machine is blue with a screen; the screen has three options:
RoboCoin Bitcoin ATM

Vlad bore witness to the disintegration of Robocoin as the premier Bitcoin ATM company.

“It was a pity to see this event, as Robocoin was one of the prominent players on the bitcoin ATM market,” Vlad told CCN. “The operators took the real hit, losing their point in hours after being forced to switch to new software.”

Operators reported that the new software had numerous flaws presentation the hardware worthless. Robocoin’s new wallet and AML/KYC approach, in which all users of the ATMs became Robocoin’s customers automatically, was perceived as taking advantage of the operators, who had already invested the $15-30k for the Robocoin machine.

The problem with Robocoin is that they be enduring never developed a product that works. The different times they abandoned their previous platform for something new, sanction a trail of upset customers in their wake. “The Great Robocoin Ripoff,” unfortunately, is a keyword that turns up innumerable disgruntled people who used Robocoin.

Also Read: BitNational dumps Robocoin

The General Landscape

“There are other partnerships worthy of mention,” Vlad says. “Germany based BitXatm, Spanish BTCPoint and U.S. based CoinOutlet. All three assemblages supply two-way solutions installed over the world.”

“If I’m the operator, and I don’t want to do AML/KYC, and that’s within the purview of law in my jurisdiction, why should I escort the rules from Robocoin and collect personal user’s data?” Vlad says rhetorically. “Anyway, it happened as it happened. Optimistically, the lesson is learned by others.” Which Bitcoin ATM is Vlad’s preference?

“I would not mention one particular solution, as it is dependent on demands and the needs of the operator,” he said. “I do consult people when they approach me and tell in more details what they impecuniousness. However, the top providers have nice products and it is just a matter of looking at features and comparing the price. Just to point out those manufacturers again: Genesis Coin, General Bytes, BitAccess, Lamassu, BTCPoint, Coinoutlet, BitXatm.”

Also Scan: Bitcoin ATMs Bring Us Closer To Regulatory Breaking Point

“This is the list from which I would presumably choose for myself if I wanted to become an operator.” What sorts of trends does Vlad foresee?

“The main be biased on the market is that providers tend towards universality, giving the operators more-and-more functionality. Genesis Coin, for illustration, which initially had just a two-way machine, but then issued a cheaper one-way Bitcoin ATM,” Vlad details.

Inclusive Bytes went the same path in the opposite direction, starting with one-way and later introducing two-way. The Bitcoin community doesn’t get a bang AML/KYC rules, but this is a reality, which many operators need to follow, and that is why bitcoin machines need to validate these as optional features.

“Just to put things into perspective: while there are 445 bitcoin ATMs jog in the world, according to my Bitcoin ATM map, there are more than 70,000 locations where people can change bitcoins for change and cash for bitcoins,” Vlad told CCN.


“These services are geographically targeted usually and the main idea is to utilize the already enduring network, be it convenient store, traditional bank ATMs, or something else,” the Coin ATM Radar administrator explains.

And this is fantabulous, as it increases adoption because people won’t need to meet some stranger at a public place anymore from LocalBitcoins. They can now go to pompous businesses, where you get bitcoins for cash, or sell bitcoins for cash.

“I think the main importance is that those Bitcoin ATMs – the BTCPoint and Genesis gang – showed people that there are alternatives to traditional banks, who basically can limit your right of using your in just by finger snap,” Vlad reasons. “The Bitcoin ATM installed in Athens by Bitchain, a two-way, allowed conversion of bitcoins to liquidate of up to 1000 Euro, however, banks were limiting withdrawals at 60 Euro only.” These examples in Greece entertainment Bitcoin has usefulness, and cements Vlad’s belief that the currency and monetary benefits of Bitcoin are huge.

“These use-cases accord people the real value of Bitcoin compared to their bank accounts. It is still a fact that most of the people don’t take a clue about how Bitcoin can be useful for them and help them in daily life. However, step-by-step we will be there, and I believe bitcoin ATMs play a big role in this.”

The two main markets for Bitcoin ATMs, Canada and the United States, account more than half of all installations, according to Cash ATM Radar charts. Many machines are spread throughout the Union. As Vlad points out, these three geographic precincts have a distinct advantage over others.

Bitcoin ATM Charts by Coin ATM Radar

Due to low income in developing countries it is complicated to invest in Bitcoin ATMs, which are quite expensive. In some cases, a high-crime rate in the country makes the smaller Bitcoin ATM copies a target for theft.

Vlad does not have any plans to become a Bitcoin ATM operator himself, he disregarded this picture. The reason? “You need special permission from the regulatory authority here, which is hard to get and quite expensive.”

Enrich oneself ATM Radar has a iOS mobile app, developed by another cryptocurrency enthusiast, Rolf Deppe. Deppe initially ran a Lamassu Bitcoin ATM in South Africa, to this day the just one in the whole of Africa. “He approached me and suggested his services and developed it in his spare time for free. That was very much admired,” Vlad says.

There are many developments coming in the future on Coin ATM Radar, in particularly knowing the status of gizmos in operator. “It is a typical case when the machine is operational in general, but down for a day or two due to some technical issues or simply dump balance,” Vlad said.

“People sometimes make long journeys to the location only to find out that it is not contriving at the moment, which is very disappointing,” he describes. “Hopefully, Coin ATM Radar could help with this shortly.” There is a lot of information Vlad collects but has yet to present on the website. His plan is to add it as soon as he gets the chance.

“Sometimes I see Bitcoin ATM statistics utilized in articles on the Internet, although there is no crediting back, I realize that it comes from my site. Also, I was approached by various people, who are looking for some insight information about Bitcoin ATM industry, and I always help to get those details to them.” At the trice, Vlad is on the lookout for an Android developer, who could develop a Coin ATM Radar application.

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