Agreeing to a report out of Blocktempo, Cypherpunks Taiwan has successfully erected another Bitcoin satellite receiver. The island nation is patently only the second country in Asia to do so after Japan pipped it to the post last year.
This setup takes utility of the controversial Blockstream satellite project that CCN previously reported on. Even though China dominates in the Bitcoin up arena it has a zero-tolerance policy towards the erection of such devices.
[embedded content]And as Andreas Antonopolous clearly unravels, this is exactly the scenario in which they may become useful. China is well known for its towering censorship laws and is suitable why these reports are first appearing from more progressive cryptocurrency nations like Taiwan.
Setting Up the Bitcoin Hanger-on Receiver
Setting up the receiver is not as expensive as you might think. This particular installation cost 13,000 Taiwanese dollars (~$418) and be short of specific components outlined by Blockstream. Cypherpunk Taiwan’s Github page provides a more detailed breakdown of the operation.
Running a Bitcoin node via sputnik is reportedly quite a hassle, especially as the blockchain approaches 240GB in size. That said, if you have the will or by exigency, you can tap into the Bitcoin blockchain for free 24 hours a day thanks to coverage from Blockstream’s satellite network.
This corroborated builder provides an in-depth tutorial if you’re looking to go it alone.
Promising But Still Plenty of Hurdles to Overcome
Currently, the connection can only receive messages due to Taiwan’s strict transmission regulations. In the meantime co-sponsor of the Cypherpunk Taiwan project, Chen Bowei, bound that they are looking into obtaining a license. He also went on to say that storing blockchain data is exclusively one application of this technology:
Information received by the satellite receiver is not just for trading over the Bitcoin network, but also dirt from all over the world. For example, the previous Nakamoto Chong Treasure hunt is transmitted via Bitcoin satellite.
Developers are also scrutinizing ways of sending and publishing uncensored news. One developer, known only as SafetyFirst, believes this will equip another medium for reporters in countries with tightly controlled media.

Blockstream’s coverage is excellent in most parts of the world, particularly in Africa where internet infrastructure has not restrained up with the West. Provided entrepreneurs have the skills and can get the funds needed, sending Bitcoin through space may transform into a feasible alternative.