Now, all but £3 million of his fate will go to the charity. His brothers Simon and Andrew both get £1 million, The Sun communicated, leaving 38 million pounds, or $48.7 million to Oxfam.
The legacy comes despite a high-profile scandal that has engulfed the British aid design Oxfam in recent years. Male aid workers were accused of strike for sex with underage prostitutes while working for the charity in Haiti concluding the 2010 earthquake. Oxfam has also been hit with allegations of erotic harassment at its charity stores in the U.K. and for not vetting its workers well enough.
The legacy also comes weeks after Oxfam chiefs said they needed to cut consigns and find £16 million in savings. As such, how the bequest is spent order be scrutinized.
Oxfam confirmed the bequest when contacted by CNBC and thought: “We are extremely grateful for this bequest of which we have only recently been hinted. We are working with the family and our board of trustees to identify how the money transfer be used.”