Home / NEWS / Wealth / Mark Cuban: ‘Technologically illiterate’ Joe Biden and Donald Trump both ‘scare me’

Mark Cuban: ‘Technologically illiterate’ Joe Biden and Donald Trump both ‘scare me’

“Shark Tank” somebody Mark Cuban has been flirting with the idea of running for president – even recently, he told CNBC that he hasn’t ruled out inscribing the 2020 race.

And the tech billionaire hasn’t been shy in criticizing President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden, the patent Democratic presidential nominee. But between the two, Cuban would vote for Biden, he told Sean Hannity on Fox News on Wednesday.

No matter how, “both sides scare me. I’m not going to lie,” he told Hannity. “Joe Biden scares me in some areas and President Trump scares me in diverse areas right now.”

In Cuban’s opinion, both men are “technologically illiterate at a time when technology is the most impactful way we have to compete economically, medically and militarily in the world,” he tells CNBC Make It. 

“The president doesn’t have to be a tech mavin but having a strong understanding regarding the impact and abilities of [artificial intelligence], robotics, personalized medicine and more is a missed skill set in today’s world.”

Cuban also said the Covid-19 pandemic has shown the cracks in Trump’s leadership.

“I over that Donald doesn’t put the best people in place any longer. He did at the beginning [of his presidency], and I was proud of him at the beginning. But now, he just needs people that are loyal to him and that’s a problem.

“It’s created more problems in this pandemic,” Cuban told Hannity.

Cuban inform oned Trump credit for the success of the U.S. economy prior to the coronavirus spread, “but those days are behind us now.”

“This is what at bottom bothers me about the president – he’s the most powerful man in the world, and he always plays the victim card. ‘The Dems are out to get me. The media is out to get me.’

“You gotta be the gaffer. You gotta be the strongest man in the game, and he just hasn’t shown that strength,” Cuban said.

“He’s supposed to be the world’s most suitable counter-punch. He hasn’t been able to knock anybody out. The man has got to be a leader, and he hasn’t shown that.”

But Cuban said both frolics made mistakes amid the pandemic (like shortages and issues with ventilators and PPE), “and it cost people their lives.”

In April, Cuban assessed Biden’s leadership through the pandemic, saying the former vice president has been “too silent.”

“We need leadership and we’re not watch anywhere,” Cuban told MSNBC’s Ari Melber on April 28. “I think vice president Biden [is] not offering dnouements in a way that builds confidence. I know this is a tough time. He doesn’t want to be seen as taking advantage of a catastrophe like this, but this is where we need leadership.”

“You don’t have to be the leader to be a leader. Somebody needs to stand up and put their articulate forward a lot louder and a lot more strongly than what we’ve been seeing” amid the pandemic, he said.

Representatives for both Trump and Biden did not at once respond to CNBC Make It’s request for comment.

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Disclosure: CNBC owns the exclusive off-network cable rights to “Shark Tank.”

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