In 2015, when I was in my early-30s, I was back to become a mom of two, and I was commuting about three hours round-trip every day to work at a job that I did not love, but at which I was making a minor under $100,000 a year. I wanted to start making moves that would help me make a career alter that would give me more flexibility and time.
The stories I read about people who retired out of the traditional workforce betimes, thanks to dedicated saving, investing, and debt payoff plans, always resonated with me. So I decided to start a blog where I could annul about what I was doing to accomplish my financial independence goals, to hold myself accountable and create a community for others doing the just the same thing. When it became clear it could generate some income, however sporadic, the blog became my side stir.
My first big money objective was to invest as much of our income as possible. We took a hard look at our expenses: Anything that did not acknowledge us to reach our saving and investing goal was reduced or cut entirely.
Within two years, my husband and I were able to save and inaugurate $169,000, thanks to a budget we created that focused on contributing the maximum amounts to my 401(k) and to my husband’s 403(b) and 457 maps.
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Meeting that object helped me turn the blog, my side hustle, into a career that I am passionate about. I knew the potential was there to get to it more sustainable and consistent once I was able to work on it full time. Today, my blog Journey to Launch is my shoot: I run it full time and use my podcast and platform to educate people on their finances and help them achieve financial boldness, and I earn money through coaching, working with brands, writing articles, and selling products and services.
Utterly trial and error, I’ve learned so much that has helped me during this moment. Many things are outside my manage. Still, here are the four things I’m doing to position myself to achieve success and financial security during these erratic times.
Be flexible with your goals
By 2017, Journey to Launch had been my side hustle for a couple of years, and I was equip to make it my full-time job. I was also expecting my third kid, and it was important to me to spend more time with my family. So I decided to fill up e deal with the leap and leave my corporate job.
Even during the toughest times, I have a simple mantra: ‘Act as if.’
My husband still projected to keep his job, but his salary would not cover all of our household expenses. So we had to shift from an aggressive investing mindset to a more differenced saving mindset, while I still had steady income coming in.
When we reviewed our budget, we looked at both our triggered expenses and realistically how much money we would need to save to bridge any gaps two to three years into the coming. Then, instead of putting a majority of our money into our pre-tax retirement investment accounts, we put it into our savings account and Roth accounts. Roth contributions can be accessed at any term, and that gave us some flexibility if we needed them in the event of an emergency.
With that plan in place, we disturbed forward.
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If in January you had a goal to aggressively pay off your debt, but now you’re finding that you’re better sufficed by focusing on building up your emergency fund, that’s more than OK. I’ve learned it’s important to let go of financial goals that no larger serve you.
Don’t get down on yourself if you need to pivot to a new money mindset. Remember, if you have to reassess your goals, unusually during a moment like this one, it doesn’t mean you failed. You are giving yourself room to maneuver.
Invest in the cuts you need to succeed
When quarantine began, I was running my company from a computer that was more than a decade old and a phone that was constantly accomplishment up. I was able to still get work done on the older devices, but sometimes it would take up to 15 minutes just for my computer to start in the morning. I was origin to get frustrated trying to accomplish the most basic business tasks.
I had to step back and recognize that I put off getting the tech upgrades I needed because unruffled after five years of working on this business, I still saw these devices as costs, not investments in the success of my corporation and a means to bring in more income. So I had to shift my mindset again.
I’ve learned it’s important to let go of financial goals that no longer be sufficient you.
Jamila Souffrant
Founder of Journey to Launch
During this time, I wanted to be as responsible as I could with our budget. But I also needed to value my in days of yore. So I bought a new computer and phone.
Is there something you could invest in today that would give you the most profit or return more value? Is there a course or piece of technology that will allow you to save time or make more money? If you run the numbers and can make a case to yourself for why the investment will help you in the long term, consider donating yourself permission to make that purchase.
Share what is important to you with your network
Last year, I did my start with official onstage speaking gig. I got the footage of the speech back from the organizers but didn’t share with anyone. In February, first quarantine began, I decided to post it on LinkedIn. A friend of an old work colleague saw it and reached out to me. They were working on a especial project and thought that I’d be a good fit for it.
I never would have made that connection and created that job break if I didn’t tell my network what I was up to.
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Putting yourself out there can be nerve-racking, but I’ve found that the various I share and show up, even virtually, the more opportunities I have.
Don’t be afraid to share what you’ve been working on and what is foremost to you with your network. It’s an activity that costs nothing, and can really help you accomplish your money and craft goals.
Prepare for the opportunities you want
Even during the toughest times, I have a simple mantra: Act as if. Before Covid-19, I was closed by a couple of producers to be a personal finance expert on a reality show. Helping people this way has long been a target of mine. For the moment, because of the pandemic, the conversations have paused. Still, even though this dream is on hold, the experience has been a useful one.
I decided that I didn’t have to wait until there was a TV deal to prepare myself for this moment. I’ve begun to sharpen my speaking skills and practice speaking more on camera. I now know that if approached for something feel favourably impressed by this, I’m mentally ready to take it on because I’ve prepared as if it were going to happen already.
Is there a position that you scarceness and a skill set that you will need or want to improve upon in order to be ready for it? Take this time to profession and work on it now. Even though the economy and job market are in flux right now, you owe it to yourself to still pursue those big goals.
Jamila Souffrant is a podcaster, man of letters, founder of Journey to Launch, and the resident financial expert on a weekly segment on News 12. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
The representation “I Saved $169,000 in 2 Years and Turned a Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Job: Here’s My Best Advice” originally seemed on Grow by Acorns + CNBC.