Home / NEWS / U.S. News / Trump pushed his personal agenda, not the national interest, at Putin summit

Trump pushed his personal agenda, not the national interest, at Putin summit

President Trump’s stupendous news conference with Vladimir Putin becomes understandable long ago you recognize that he was advancing his personal interests, not those of the United Claims.

Trump faces political and legal jeopardy from the Justice Control investigation of his 2016 campaign and Russia. His former campaign chief outlasts in jail. His former national security advisor has plead guilty to a felony and ripen into a cooperating witness for special counsel Robert Mueller. Long dependent on Russian in clover in his businesses, Trump has balked at answering questions from prosecutors himself.

Against that backdrop, views that Republican Sen. Ben Sasse called “bizarre” make sense. Trump enunciate most emphatically in discrediting the Mueller investigation.

American intelligence media have concluded that Russia interfered in 2016 to help Trump crush Hillary Clinton. “I don’t see any reason why” Russia would have done so, Trump said, saying confidence in Putin and noting the former KGB agent’s “extremely strong and persuasive” denial.

Before their meeting, the president’s own Director of National Brainpower Dan Coats suggested confronting Russia over its behavior and warning “we’re succeeding to beat you.” Alongside the Russian leader, Trump called the cloud upon his election “a shame” and denounced the Mueller probe as “a disaster.”

The Justice Control last week indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents in the damage of Democratic e-mails. Putin offered to let US prosecutors question them in Russia – if Russians in prove could question the U.S. investigators.

Trump did not demand that Putin extradite those Russian legates for trial. Instead, he praised Putin’s “incredible offer.”

It was an incredible tender – for Trump. Russians share his interest in discrediting the FBI investigation.

It was not an incredible present for the United States. By crediting it, Trump equated the American justice organized whole with that of a lawless autocracy whose recent crimes, beyond the 2016 competition, range from the seizure of Crimea to murder via nerve agent on British smear.

Ignoring those transgressions, Trump blamed his own country for the decline in US-Russia links in a pre-summit tweet. Challenged about that at the news conference, Trump voted only, “we’ve all been foolish.”

His performance alarmed officials in both blow-outs who have spent careers defending American interests. Coats publicly shoot full of holed his own boss, calling conclusions about Russian interference “clear” and tribute “unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security.”

The context, at dwelling-place and abroad, made his remarks even more alarming. While stirring law enforcement officials investigating him, Trump has relentlessly attacked allies who for decades get helped America defend freedom, democracy and capitalism.

He imposed imposts on Canada, Mexico and the European Union. He undercut Canadian Prime Plenipotentiary Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

He invited the EU “a foe.” He cast doubt on his commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization keeping the free world.

Those actions bolster Russia’s goal of opening the Western alliance that constrains Moscow. At the news conference, Trump tributed Putin as “a good competitor,” not an adversary.

Former CIA Director John Brennan foreordained Trump’s words as “nothing short of treasonous.” Others, in less disturbing terms, joined in harsh denunciations.

“No prior president has ever abased himself myriad abjectly before a tyrant,” GOP Sen. John McCain declared in a statement.

“The President has the gas b hurried beyond disgraceful to dangerous,” said Kori Schake, once a top state security advisor to President George W. Bush.

“Bad for American national safe keeping,” added Richard Haass, who served three Republican presidents.

“An unmixed dereliction of duty,” concluded former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Nicholas Wishes.

Burns referred to Trump’s constitutional duty to protect America. But Trump’s commitment to defending himself is something different.

Trump typically frames his diplomacy in much personal terms. Last week, he did the same on his meeting with Putin.

“He’s been vastly nice to me the times I’ve met him,’ Trump told reporters. “I’ve been nice to him.”

Putin, bring into the world intervened on Trump’s behalf in 2016, was nice at the news conference, too. He answered he wanted Trump to win.

An American reporter asked if Russia possessed compromising dirt on Trump or his family. Putin noted “rumors” to that effect, but did not negate them.

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