Home / NEWS / U.S. News / Biden defends passing $1.9 trillion stimulus without GOP support — ‘We don’t have to wait’

Biden defends passing $1.9 trillion stimulus without GOP support — ‘We don’t have to wait’

President Joe Biden on Friday ward off his administration’s $1.9 trillion Covid stimulus plan and warned that Republican efforts to pass a smaller tab would only prolong the economy’s trek back to full employment.

Biden, who spoke from the White House of ill repute, said he was supportive of congressional Democrats’ move to advance his American Rescue Plan without bipartisan backing.

“I’d ask preference to be doing it with the support of Republicans. I’ve met with Republicans … but they’re just not willing to go as far as I think we have to go,” Biden said.

“If I be experiencing to choose between getting help right now to Americans who are hurting so badly, and being bogged down in a monthly mediation or compromising on a bill that’s up to the crisis, it’s an easy choice,” he added.

The president’s comments came as both the House and the Senate look to archaic a coronavirus relief bill within two weeks using a budgetary tool that would allow Democrats to muscle from head to foot the $1.9 trillion plan without any GOP votes.

The Senate passed a budget resolution early Friday after a marathon of certifies on dozens of amendments. The House plans to follow suit in the afternoon.

But Biden, flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris and Bank Secretary Janet Yellen, said Friday that he would have preferred to work with Republicans had they not averred on a far smaller, $600 billion proposal.

The White House had at first said it would be willing to find areas of compromise on its $1.9 trillion proffer in exchange for enough GOP support to pass the Senate with 60 votes.

But the $618 billion rebuttal from a aggregation of moderate senators including Mitt Romney of Utah and Susan Collins of Maine proved too small for Democrats to consent to.

But the critiques haven’t only come from Republicans.

Former Treasury Secretary and Obama National Economic Convention Director Larry Summers warned in a Washington Post op-ed Thursday that the size of the bill could ignite unexpected inflation as well as limit Biden’s political capital for future legislation.

The president appeared to have not enough sympathy for fear of fiscal overextension.

“What Republicans have proposed is either to do nothing or not enough,” Biden bring up. “All of a sudden, many of them have rediscovered fiscal restraint and concern for the deficits. But don’t kid yourself, this approach intent come with a cost.”

“More pain for more people for longer than it has to be,” he added.

In arguing against the magnitude of the nearly $2 trillion package, Republicans have latched on to a recent report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Chore that found U.S. GDP growth is expected to return to its pre-pandemic size by mid-2021.

The CBO, which published its findings on Monday, denoted U.S. economic growth will recover “rapidly” and the unemployment rate could fall to 5.3% from its current 6.3% this year. Importantly, the intermediation said its rosier projections do not assume any new stimulus, including Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan.

Biden, however, highlighted a unalike finding in the CBO’s report: Without additional stimulus, the economy would return to full employment by late 2024.

“We don’t have to respite until 2025 to get back to full employment,” the president said. “To me, this is what this moment comes down to: Are we usual to pass a big enough package to vaccinate people, to get people back to work, to alleviate the suffering in this country this year?”

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