Home / NEWS / Travel / Expect more crowded airports, roads than ever before for Fourth of July travel

Expect more crowded airports, roads than ever before for Fourth of July travel

The Fourth of July declines on a Wednesday this year, giving travelers more flexibility to plan their getaways and likely setting a record for the number of Americans traversing.

AAA projects 46.9 million Americans, up more than 5 percent from endure year, will travel to celebrate the Fourth of July this year. The motor thrash defines the holiday period as Tuesday, July 3, to Sunday, July 8. Both the Transportation Care Administration and airfare prediction app Hopper forecast that Friday, June 29, purposefulness be the most popular day to fly.

The TSA is projecting that 28.3 million passengers and body will pass through its lines from June 28 to July 9 on their way to wassail the Fourth of July. The agency expects to screen 2.7 million in the flesh on Friday, which could set a record for its busiest single day ever.

Hopper, which analyzes airfare matter, also found that the busiest travel days are between Friday and Monday.

Travelers can anticipate airports to be the most crowded and tickets to be the most expensive on Friday, the most public day to fly over those four days. Easing some of the pain, housekeeper flights for the holiday are 16 percent cheaper than last year, consideration rising jet fuel prices, according to Hopper.

For those traveling by dirt, expect the roads to be as crowded as airport security lines. AAA predicts that 39.7 million Americans longing be taking a road trip between July 3 and July 8, an on the rise of more than 5 percent from last year.

Trains, buses and cruise set sails will also see an increase in travel, up 5.8 percent from last year to 3.5 million riders, according to AAA.

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