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Yelp expands efforts to add health inspection scores for restaurant reviews nationwide

Yelp is planning to convey more than just user-generated reviews to your screen.

This week, the crowd-sourced cavalcade forum announced that it will be nationally expanding its LIVES program, which displays healthiness inspection information of various businesses. Launching the program in 2013 for San Francisco-area restaurants, Yelp join forces with local governments and HDScores, a platform that aggregates condition inspection reports nationwide, to display health scores on a 0-100 scale to owners.

Since the launch of LIVES, Yelp has inserted health scores to 200,000 topic pages. The company said in a blog post that this loads will more than triple, as it added data for more restaurants in New York, California, Texas, Illinois and Washington, D.C., today. Yelp plans to keep up to roll out updates across various states in the coming months.

It appears consumers prepare utilized these health inspection scores. According to a study announced by the Harvard Business School earlier this year, posting hygiene scores on Yelp has led to a 12 percent back in purchase intentions for restaurants with low scores relative to those with higher scratches.

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