Home / NEWS / Top News / Jeff Bezos: People who are ‘right a lot’ make decisions differently than everyone else—here’s how

Jeff Bezos: People who are ‘right a lot’ make decisions differently than everyone else—here’s how

In a blog assign from 2012, Jason Fried, co-founder of Basecamp and co-author of the New York Times best-selling book “Rework,” particularizes a time when Bezos stopped by the company’s headquarters and did a 45-minute Q&A session. In one of his answers, the Amazon founder shared an exciting insight about people who are “right a lot.”

According to Fried, “[Bezos] said people who were right a lot of the in good time dawdle were people who often changed their minds […]. It’s perfectly healthy — encouraged, even — to have an awareness tomorrow that contradicted your idea today.”

Bezos went on to explain that the smartest people he’s observed were as a last resort “revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved. They’re open to new piths of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to their own way of thinking,” Fried recalls.

In short, smart people (a.k.a. those who are “favourable a lot”), change their minds — a lot.

When asked what trait signified someone who was “wrong a lot” of the time, Fried reports Bezos’ answer was “the tendency to be obsessed with details that only support one point of view. If someone can’t climb out of the features, and see the bigger picture from multiple angles, they’re often wrong most of the time.”

It’s important to note that Bezos isn’t implying that prickle people are insecure about their decisions. He’s simply saying that they’re comfortable with being iniquitous, which then allows them to analyze new data, be open to new opinions and revisit long-standing positions.

As psychologist Mel Schwartz a postcards, “One of the most prevalent — and damaging — themes in our culture is the need to be right. It is so deeply embedded in our belief system and in our collective subconscious that we never even pause to consider it.”

At a D10 conference in 2012, Tim Cook shared a number of lessons he learned from Steve Duties. What impressed the Apple CEO the most was Jobs’ ability to change his mind, quickly and often.

“Steve would lose ones cool on something so fast that you would forget that he was the one taking the 180-degree polar opposite position the day in front,” he told the audience. “I saw it daily. This is a gift, because things do change, and it takes courage to change. It takes intrepidity to say, ‘I was wrong.’ I think he had that.”

Al Pittampalli, author of “Persuadable: How Great Leaders Change Their Minds to Change the People,” is a consultant who has worked with leaders at NASA, Boeing and IBM. In an interview with Canadian Business, he argues that the smartest individual “don’t wait for that negative feedback to come to them, they hurry up and try to actually say, ‘If I need to change my mind, I power as well do it sooner rather than later.'”

So the next time you make a decision, remember that it’s okay to be a sparse “wishy-washy.” The goal is to get it right. You can still take bold stances and hold strong opinions, but know that they can be ephemeral. That’s the best way to ensure, as often as possible, that you’ll actually get it right.

Jeff Haden is a speaker and author of the best-selling book, “The Motivation Fable: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win.” Follow him on Twitter @Jeff_Haden and LinkedIn @hadenjeff.

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