JPMorgan Follow CEO Jamie Dimon on Sunday said he regretted comments that he was “smarter” than President Donald Trump and could tempo him in an election.
“I shouldn’t have said it. It also proves I would not be a credible politician,” Dimon said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.”
On Wednesday, Dimon quick backtracked after saying he could beat Trump in a campaign but not reformist Democrats.
Trump had a sharp rejoinder for Dimon on Thursday, saying the JPMorgan chief directorship lacked the “smarts” to be president but was otherwise wonderful.
Dimon said he was allude to “more out of frustration and my own machismo,” and had no plans to run for president.
“I never say never to anything, but no,” Dimon held when asked if he would run for president.
The bank executive said he get Trump’s policies were helping the economy.
“He should take some dependability,” Dimon said, for regulatory and tax changes. “That has helped the economy. It is inconceivable to tease out how much.”