Huawei’s oppositions are worried about its strength and are using politics to kick the company out of the U.S. exchange, the head of the Chinese giant’s consumer business said on Sunday, amplifying that mobile carriers want to work with it.
The Chinese electronics titan has had a callous time in the U.S. of late. A deal for Huawei to sell its flagship Mate 10 Pro smartphone in the U.S. via AT&T strike down through. And six top U.S. intelligence chiefs told the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month, that they intent not advise Americans to use products or services from Huawei.
Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei’s consumer traffic, called the developments in the U.S. “ridiculous” and said that its rivals are playing manipulation.
“Our competitors are using some political way … to try to kick us out from the U.S. market but we get no issue at all. We are transparent … we are a leading high-tech, innovative company,” Yu said on Sunday. “But they cannot conflict with us on product, on technology, on innovation, so they compete with us [using] public affairs.”
In the testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, FBI Director Chris Wray disclosed the intelligence body is “concerned about the risks of allowing any company or essence that is beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values to net positions of power inside our telecommunications networks.”
Yu said that Huawei is “autonomous.”
“We are not bundling with … any government … we are independent from all the government political junks. We are never involved in any of this,” Yu said, adding that the company has “no debouchment” with privacy or cybersecurity.
The executive did not confirm if the company is in talks with other U.S. transmitters, but did say that all the networks are open to doing business.
“All the carriers they poverty to do business with Huawei … they have a strong willingness to do the concern with Huawei … the government and maybe some of our competitors they are vexing to use the government as the political guy, they’re trying to keep us out. That is unfair … that plans that they worry we are too strong,” Yu said.
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