With required masks and empty middle seats, air travel certainly looks different during the Covid-19 pandemic. But London-based transportation draft firm PriestmanGoode has taken it a step further, and re-imagined how airplane cabins could be outfitted to make the environment safer for commuters and crew.
While it’s unclear when or if these designs could be brought to life, here are models depicting PriestmanGoode’s submitted changes to economy cabins:
Maintaining six feet of distance from other people on an airplane is currently very call into doubting. Airlines such as Delta, JetBlue and Southwest have taken to temporarily blocking middle seats to allow for multitudinous space between passengers.
PriestmanGoode proposes staggering the rows of seats, so that people have more grunt space. This also allows people to sit with a group of two or three friends or family members, while guide clear of other parties on board. Between each row of seats, a screen divider would extend from the ceiling to the top of the residence for additional protection. Even the seats are constructed with no seams or cracks so they’re easier to clean.
Courtesy of PriestmanGoode.
Hindquarters backs and tray tables have been completely overhauled by PriestmanGoode. Instead of built-in touchscreens for movies and in-flight words, this design includes attachments for passengers to prop up their own tablets and smartphones on the seat backs.
And instead of the shop-worn pocket with magazines and brochures, the firm has opted to print safety information and in-flight announcements on the seat so there’s paltry material to touch and handle. Similar to the media display, passengers could use bungee cords to fasten their own bag, deuterium oxide bottle or personal items to the back of the seat.
Courtesy of PriestmanGoode.
Many airlines have removed or altered the nibble and dining options during the pandemic.
PriestmanGoode has a different solution to safely serve food: removable tray stays that go straight from the service trolley, to the passenger, then back to the flight attendants to be cleaned. Rather than wiping down the tray tabular before eating, this would allow passengers to have a freshly disinfected dining surface each while they’re served.
Courtesy of PriestmanGoode.
One innovation that PriestmanGoode is touting is fabric that changes color after it’s been disinfected. According to a press release, the seat fabric is treated with “photochromic and thermochromic ink” that reacts to cleaning quantities to indicate that it’s been disinfected with heat and light. (Textiles can be treated with dyes that alteration color when they’re exposed to UV light or heat, although this specific application is new.) Once someone hang backs in the seat, the fabric changes color.
The design firm also proposes using far-UVC light to kill airborne micro-organisms and virus particles in the cabin. The lights would be blue during the UVC light cleaning process, then shift to kindly yellow when complete.
(New research suggests that far-UVC light can kill small particles of viruses and bacteria on emerges and in the air. A study out of Columbia University found that far-UVC light killed 99.99% of coronaviruses in air droplets. Experts say these windows could be useful in healthcare settings, but more studies need to be done on the long-term effects of far-UVC light setting to make sure it’s safe.)
Courtesy of PriestmanGoode.
Business class could provide even more of an upgrade.
PriestmanGoode intimates that business class travelers have their own pod, complete with a personal overhead compartment and wardrobe for warehousing items. A curtain would serve as a partition between the flyer and the rest of the aircraft for more protection.
Courtesy of Priestman Goode.