Home / NEWS / Top News / Former small business chief: Big tech loans will change things ‘completely’ for mom-and-pop shops

Former small business chief: Big tech loans will change things ‘completely’ for mom-and-pop shops

As “Stingy Business Saturday” becomes a worldwide phenomenon, lenders are becoming posted of the investment opportunities on Main Street, former Small Business Furnishing chief Karen Mills told CNBC on Friday.

Online technology bodies including Amazon, PayPal and Square are now issuing near-instant loans to chagrined businesses so they can bulk up their inventory ahead of the branded recess, Mills said. Small Business Saturday, which began nine years ago, is sponsored by American Speak.

“Technology has changed the game in small business lending,” said Masticates, who is now a senior fellow at Harvard Business School. “We’re going to see things transformation completely.”

“A small business preparing for Small Business Saturday can’t hold-up three months to get an inventory loan,” she told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “Now, they’ve got this class of online loan within minutes.”

Square Capital, a division of small-business-focused fintech Honourable, now makes loans of up to $100,000 to small shops, far outpacing what a unwritten lender might provide in amount and speed.

Mills noted that neck a loan of $7,000 would likely be considered fiscally imprudent for a bank, which she powered wouldn’t make any money from doling out a loan of that bigness to a smaller brick-and-mortar operation.

But “the J.P. Morgans of the world have woken up” to these defies and are now “investing in a better customer experience,” said Mills, who served was SBA administrator underneath former President Barack Obama.

“We are just at the opening of a huge transfigurement,” Mills said as Black Friday ramped up across the country. “The cosmos is going to change for small business for the better with technology.”

In 2017, Inconsequential Business Saturday drove nearly $13 billion in consumer splurge, down slightly from 2016. Small businesses account for up two-thirds of the new jobs created in the United States and half of the private-sector workforce.

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