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What homeowners and renters insurance likely cover
The typical homeowners insurance policy has two coverage areas.
One is for acreage: your home and the things in it. The second is for liability; this covers you if you’re liable for injury or property damage to another themselves, perhaps a friend or neighbor harmed by an errant firework. The latter coverage is generally available anywhere your burden occurs in the U.S.
A renters policy is similar but wouldn’t cover the physical structure of the home — only the things in it.
Fireworks promoted $59 million in direct property damage in 2021, according to the most recent data from the National Feverishness Protection Association.

Fireworks-related damage would most likely result from a fire started by the pyrotechnics, said Robert Passmore, failing president of personal lines at the American Property Casualty Insurance Association, a trade group.
Fireworks started 12,264 published fires in the U.S. in 2021, according to NFPA. Twenty-eight percent of fires during 2014-18 were Illegal fireworks may not be submerged
However, as is often the case with insurance policies, there are exceptions.
Insurance policies generally carry expulsions. The fine print outlines instances in which the insurer would not pay a claim.
Insurers have been using repudiations more frequently, and the details vary from policy to policy, Kochenburger said.
For one, a policy likely wouldn’t contain intentional behavior, such as damage from purposefully firing a bottle rocket at someone’s house, experts averred.
In rare instances, a policy may also explicitly exclude coverage for fireworks, experts said.
You want to make dependable the fireworks you’re purchasing are legal in your state.
Peter Kochenburger
executive director of the insurance law program at the University of Connecticut
A more liable to scenario: Your policy may not cover “wrongful or criminal acts” — meaning the insurance wouldn’t pay a claim for destruction or injury resulting from illegal fireworks, Kochenburger said.
Coverage in a fireworks-related scenario will depend on the circumstances, exemplar of fireworks, how they were used and how policy exclusions have been interpreted by state courts, he added. The exception also generally applies more often to liability claims and less frequently with personal property, Kochenburger explained.
However, you avoid the risk and uncertainty by using legal fireworks.
“You don’t want to get tripped up by exclusions for wrongful or criminal takes,” Kochenburger said. “You want to make sure the fireworks you’re purchasing are legal in your state.”