Home / NEWS / Top News / Alarming rise in virus cases as states roll back lockdowns

Alarming rise in virus cases as states roll back lockdowns

Server Gabby Fasoline fulfills customers at a table at Kona Grill in Boca Park Fashion Village as some businesses that were closed seven weeks ago to conflict with the spread of the coronavirus are allowed to reopen on May 9, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Ethan Miller | Getty Images

States are bread-roll back lockdowns, but the coronavirus isn’t done with the U.S.

Cases are rising in nearly half the states, according to an Associated Newsmen analysis, a worrying trend that could intensify as people return to work and venture out during the summer.

In Arizona, dispensaries have been told to prepare for the worst. Texas has more hospitalized Covid-19 patients than at any time ahead. And the governor of North Carolina said recent jumps caused him to rethink plans to reopen schools or businesses.

There is no isolated reason for the surges. In some cases, more testing has revealed more cases. In others, local outbreaks are big ample to push statewide tallies higher. But experts think at least some are due to lifting stay-at-home orders, school and role closures, and other restrictions put in place during the spring to stem the virus’s spread.

The increase in infections pulled line of descents down sharply Thursday on Wall Street, dragging the Dow Jones Industrial Average more than 1,500 points cut and placing the S&P 500 on track for its worst day in nearly three months. The infections dampened recent optimism that the reopening of occupations would drive a relatively quick economic recovery.

The virus is also gradually fanning out.

“It is a disaster that spreads,” clouted Dr. Jay Butler, who oversees coronavirus response work at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “It’s not like there’s an entire continental seismic scrape by and everyone feels the shaking all at once.”

That is also happening globally. Places that suffered early on such as China, Italy and Spain deceive calmed down but Brazil, India and other countries that were spared initially are seeing large enhancements. The world is seeing more than 100,000 newly-confirmed cases every day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

The virus outset landed on the U.S. coasts, carried by international travelers infected abroad. For months, the epicenter was in northeastern states. More recently, the maturest increases have been in the South and the West.

The AP analyzed data compiled by The COVID Tracking Project, a volunteer categorizing that collects coronavirus testing data in the United States. The analysis found that in 21 states as of Monday, the roar seven-day average of new cases per capita was higher than the average seven days earlier.

Some worry the place may get worse as social distancing restrictions lift and more people gather. One concern is that large recent ethnic justice protests across the country might spark at least some spread of the virus.

Another: President Donald Trump this week said he’s foreseeing to hold rallies that may draw thousands of people. He will hold them in four states — Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas. All of them are extent the states with rising cases identified in the AP analysis.

Here’s what’s driving increases in some of the states with outstanding upticks:


Republican Gov. Doug Ducey ended Arizona’s stay-at-home order on May 15 and eased restrictions on subjects. Arizona residents who were cooped up for six weeks flooded Phoenix-area bar districts, ignoring social distancing guidelines.

The form began seeing a surge of new cases and hospitalizations about 10 days later.

“It seems pretty clear to me that what we’re give some thought to is directly related to the end of the stay-at-home order,” said Will Humble, executive director of the Arizona Public Health Combine.

It wasn’t just that the order ended: There were no requirements to wear face masks, no major distends in contact tracing to spot and stop evolving outbreaks, and no scale-up of infection control at nursing homes, he said.

“Those are mistook opportunities that, if implemented today, could still make a big difference,” said Humble, a former director of the confirm Department of Health Services.

Testing has been increasing in Arizona, which raises the chance of finding new cases. But the share of tests coming back positive has also been on the rise.

The AP analysis found Arizona had a rolling average of fewer than 400 new situations a day at the time the shutdown was lifted, but it shot up two weeks later and surpassed 1,000 new cases a day by early this week. Hospitalizations procure also risen dramatically, hitting the 1,200 mark last week.

The state also passed another fierce milestone last week, recording its 1,000th death.

Meanwhile Arizona hospitals reported they were at 83% of faculty Tuesday, which could force the cancellation of elective surgeries. An executive order Ducey issued in April averred hospitals wanting to resume elective surgeries had to have at least 20% of their beds available.

North Carolina

In North Carolina, more assessing plus more people out and about during reopening seem to be the main drivers of recent case upticks, said Kimberly Powers, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of North Carolina.

On Saturday, the have recorded its highest single-day increase, with 1,370. While testing has grown in the last two weeks, so has the rate of analyses coming back positive.

“These trends moving in the wrong direction is a signal we need to take very Scouts honour,” said North Carolina’s top health official, Mandy Cohen, who along with Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper has urged the worldwide to take precautions to protect themselves.

But some state residents are not on board.

“I think they should start toe-hold stuff a little bit more,” said Jason Denton, an electrician from Greenville who said one of his main concerns was coming to the gym.

“That’s like my therapy,” he said.


Few states are rebooting faster than Texas, where hospitalizations billowed past 2,100 on Wednesday for the first time during the pandemic. That’s a 42% increase in patients since Statue Day weekend, when beachgoers swarmed Texas’ coastline and a water park near Houston opened to big crowds in defiance of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s ukases.

Texas’ percentage of tests coming back positive has also jumped to levels that are among the nation’s tallest. State officials point to hot spots at meatpacking plants and prisons in rural counties, where thousands of new cases be suffering with cropped up, but have not offered explanations for a rise in numbers elsewhere.

Abbott, who has recently begun wearing a mask in also clientage, has shown no intention of pumping the brake on reopening a state where protesters in May pressured him to speed up the timeline on getting skin of ones teeth salons back in business.

On Friday, Texas is set to lift even more restrictions and let restaurant dining rooms reopen at hardly full capacity.


In Alabama, outbreaks in nursing homes and poultry plants helped drive state computes upward, though there was a drop more recently. But that may change — there is evidence of community transmission in the primary, Montgomery, which has become an emerging hot spot, said State Health Officer Scott Harris.

“I think reopening the restraint gave a lot of people the wrong impression … that, ‘Hey everything is fine. Let’s go back to normal,'” Harris communicated. “Clearly, it is not that way. Really, now more than ever we need people to stay 6 feet apart, wear nerve coverings and wash their hands.”

Montgomery hospital intensive care units are as busy as during flu season.

“I can certain you that Montgomery’s cases are not going down, and if our community does not take this seriously, the virus will perpetuate to spread, and at some point, our medical capacity will reach its limit,” Dr. David Thrasher, director of respiratory remedy at Jackson Hospital, said in a statement.


Arkansas has also seen increases — in cases, hospitalizations and the percentage of assays that come back positive. But the state’s situation is a complicated story of different outbreaks at different times, hinted Dr. Nate Smith, director of the Arkansas Department of Health.

After a peak in April, levels were low until checks began about three weeks ago — mainly in the cities of Rogers and Springdale in the northwest and in De Queen further south. The occurrences have been concentrated among Hispanics and those who work in chicken production facilities, which never were familiar.

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday said the state will move into a new phase of reopening, starting Monday.

Looking vanguard

Experts are wondering what will happen in the next week or so, in the wake of nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of policemen.

The protests were outdoors, which reduces the likelihood of virus spread, and many participants have worn disguises and taken other precautions. But it’s a lot of people close together, chanting, singing and yelling.

“Hopefully we won’t see a big spike. But those statistics aren’t in yet,” Humble said.

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