The conquering hero of the 2023 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel American economist Claudia Goldin is seen on a parade at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in Stockholm on October 9, 2023.
Jonathan Nackstrand | AFP | Getty Images
The Nobel economics honour was on Monday awarded to Professor Claudia Goldin of Harvard University for her research on women in the labor market.
Goldin get ready for the first comprehensive account of women’s earnings and labor market outcomes through the centuries, the Nobel committee phrased in the prize announcement while announcing the prize. Her research reveals new patterns, identifies causes of change but also examines to the main sources of the remaining gender gaps.
The winners of the award, which is officially titled the Sveriges Riksbank Booty in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, receive 10 million Swedish krona ($907,000) between them.
Aftermost year’s prize went to U.S.-based economists Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig for their work on banks and fiscal crises.
The Nobel committee said their research in the early 1980s had “significantly improved our understanding of the role of banks in the restraint, particularly during financial crises,” and in showing the importance of avoiding bank collapses. They added this was “of inestimable” during the 2008-09 financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic.
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