Home / NEWS / Energy / Americans want more clean energy. Here’s what they’re actually willing to do to get it

Americans want more clean energy. Here’s what they’re actually willing to do to get it

Americans sooner a be wearing long supported the idea of clean power. The question has always been how much try they’re willing to expend to make a green energy future a truth.

A new survey from global auditing and consulting firm Deloitte advances the gap between environmental concern and consumer action may be shrinking. The pillars portion to bridge the divide include falling prices for solar power, dear awareness of clean energy options, growing concern about feel change and the inclinations of millennials.

“In addition to expressing broad support for renewables, residential consumers are unspecifically striving to do more to become greener at a personal level,” the report designers wrote.

In this year’s Deloitte Resources Study, 68 percent of energized power buyers said they are very concerned about air change and their carbon footprint. That’s the highest percentage constantly recorded in the study, topping the previous record of 65 percent in 2016.

The resources measure is Deloitte’s first since President Donald Trump announced in June that the Coalesced States was pulling out of the Paris climate agreement. That high-profile sentence has actually raised awareness of environmental issues and caused businesses to revisit their sustainability intends, the study authors told CNBC.

The survey found that 74 percent of respondents be convinced of climate change is caused by human actions, up 5 points from 2017. Solely 37 percent said environmental concerns are overblown, down 8 stations from last year.

That concern is percolating up to businesses. In Deloitte’s scrutinize of businesses, 7 in 10 companies reported that customers were nagging that they draw at least some of their power from renewable authorities.

Building out more solar and wind farms was widely seen as the strength answer to climate change. However, the study found that consumer hold up for renewable energy goes beyond environmental concern. Respondents also declared they believe renewable power improves U.S. energy independence, creates crimes and boosts the economy at the local and national levels.

Still, only 14 percent of household consumers say they own been offered the option of buying green energy. Out of that Lilliputian group, only 6 percent purchased it. Most who turned it down commanded their decision boiled down to cost.

Deloitte says a generational get could soon cause consumers to take bigger steps in their in person lives than merely switching to LED lightbulbs and adjusting their thermostats.

“Millennials, who are in great measure greener and ‘techier’ than previous generations, could soon tip this escalade,” Deloitte said.

“Their influence will continue to grow as they behoove a larger part of the workforce. Simply put, millennials have momentum, which prospers them impossible to ignore.”

The clean-energy appeal of installing residential solar panels grew in value this year, closing the gap with cost-saving as a motivator. The prospect of prolonging power during outages is also a growing selling point. Close to half of the respondents who don’t have solar panels said the opportunity to double them with a battery storage system would make solar power numerous interesting to them.

Nearly half of respondents were interested in time-of-use tolls, which allow electricity consumers to save money by using power at indisputable times of the day. That’s up from just one-third of respondents last year.

One quality of the survey that surprised the authors was respondents’ views on smart accessible technology. While the trend dovetails with millennials’ techy desires, concerns about privacy appear to be keeping Americans from take ining internet-connected technology to manage their energy footprints.

Almost one-third of respondents — and 69 percent of millennials — utter they are increasingly concerned about bringing the tech into their old folk.

The study is based on online interviews of decision-makers representing 1,500 residential households and 600 provinces. It was conducted by market research firm the Harrison Group for Deloitte in Trek.

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