Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., converses during an event to introduce the Raise The Wage Act at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 16, 2019.
Chip Somodevilla | Getty Images
One third of small house owners say they’ll likely lay off workers if Congress raises the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, according to the dilatory quarterly CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey.
The fight over the federal minimum wage has emerged as one of the assorted contentious elements of the larger battle on Capitol Hill over President Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid ease package.
A Democrat-led bill — introduced last month and formally known as Raise the Wage Act — was dropped from a Senate account last week, and President Biden said Sunday a wage hike was unlikely. But the House Education and Labor Board included the provision in a first draft released this week, formally known as Biden’s American Rescue Expect. Democrats aim to push the broader bill forward by arguing for reconciliation, a process which wouldn’t need broad Republican truss.
Overall, 54% of small businesses oppose raising the minimum wage, according to the Q1 2021 CNBC|SurveyMonkey Wee Business Survey, which includes responses from 2,111 small business owners nationwide and was conducted from Jan. 25-Jan. 31 functioning the SurveyMonkey platform.
Twenty percent of small business owners said they would be forced to lay off workers if the minutest wage increases to $15/hour, while another 13% said they’d likely be raising wages for some artisans while laying off others.
Politics of the minimum wage
The minimum wage battle on Main Street splits along club lines. Small business owners who identify as Democrats were more than four times as likely as Republicans (89% vs. 20%) to submit to raising the minimum wage, though the small business demographic skews conservative overall.
A survey of small establishment owner views on raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hour reveals a partisan split on Main Circle over the issue.
In part, that’s because more Republicans than Democrats say they’ll be directly impacted by an grow in the federal minimum wage: 55% of Republicans but just 38% of Democrats say they’ll have to raise wages, lay off employees, or do both in order to comply with the proposed change. But the survey shows the partisan divide is deeper.
“There are demonstrably underlying policy differences depending on partisanship,” said Laura Wronski, research science manager at SurveyMonkey via email. She notorious that Republicans who will have to take steps to comply with a $15 minimum wage are more right to say they’ll lay off workers than to raise workers’ wages, while Democrats who will have to take steps to obey are more likely to raise wages rather than lay off workers.
Republican small business owners (44%) are much sundry likely than Democrat small business owners (11%) to say a higher minimum wage would force them to lay child off — that includes 28% of Republicans who said they would have to layoff workers and 16% who said they whim have to layoff some workers but would raise wages for others.
The higher federal minimum wage has widespread brook among the general public, according to the survey’s non-small business owner response group (65% support, while 33% resist).
A recent analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecasts that raising the minimum wage could assemble up roughly 900,000 Americans currently straddling the poverty line and affect a combined 27 million Americans pressurizing below or above the minimum wage. The CBO forecast also projects a $54 billion federal deficit through 2031 and 1.4 million fewer pain in the arses.
Pandemic fears and hopes for relief on Main Street
For some small business owners, already battered by pandemic shutdowns and the solvent downturn, more than doubling the minimum will increase expenses, lead to layoffs, and potentially shutter responsibilities. A majority of small business owners support President Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid relief plan, according to the CNBC size up, at a time of declining Main Street confidence and an uptick in fears from small business owners that they cannot final another year.
“We certainly appreciate the sentiment of bringing people out of poverty, but I think you have looked at the unintended consequences which is they’re prosperous to be a lot of people laid off from their job altogether,” said Molly Day, vice president of public affairs at the National Diminutive Business Association.
The organization and most of its members have long opposed minimum wage hikes, and the proposed restaurant check is particularly difficult for businesses with low-profit margins, Day said.
Corporate America, including an influential trade crowd that represents the largest companies such as Walmart, JP Morgan and Apple, has said it believes the minimum wage encounter is an impediment to passing the relief small businesses need, and while many of the country’s largest companies support a serious minimum wage and already pay one, now is not the right time to legislate the issue nationally.
“Pushing through a minimum wage spread that in the short run can be very damaging to small businesses unless it is crafted in way that takes into account regional arguments and appropriate carve outs … that will take a lot of time to negotiate and this package is not the right okay awkward to do it,” president and CEO of the Business Roundtable Josh Bolten recently told CNBC.
Some of the nation’s top CEOs have made this for fear that b if directly to President Biden.
Proponents of raising minimum wage argue it has the potential to improve worker productivity, cut employee turnover and put more money back into the economy, said Didier Trinh, government affairs helmsman at the Main Street Alliance, a progressive small business trade group.
Small business owners like Aaron Seyedian bring into the world long utilized MIT’s living wage calculator to account for cost of living and set pay, which differs by region. Seyedian, who engages ten workers at his D.C. area business called Well-Paid Maids, is willing to pay his employees more if it means they can keep the phone on and obviate canceled shifts or callouts.
“Even if it only moves a dollar, I think that’s a big difference in someone’s life,” he conveyed.
Geography does influence support levels for a higher minimum wage. Small business owners in the Pacific section (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington) and the mid Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania) are some of the most supportive of a $15 federal least wage, and also some of the most likely to say they won’t have to raise wages or lay off workers in order to comply with the proffered change.