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There are signs of another India-China border spat

In the fixed days of December, Chinese personnel crossed that line and began low road construction in Arunachal Pradesh’s Upper Siang district, several Indian average outlets reported this week. The Chinese team had advanced round 1 kilometer and then returned after being confronted by Indian troops, who seized the construction outfit, Press Trust of India and The Indian Express reported on Wednesday.

Ultimately year, Chinese construction in another disputed border area — a tableland known as Donglang in China and Doklam in India — resulted in a tense stand-off incriminating troops from both countries. The confrontation lasted from June until belated August and weighed heavily on bilateral ties.

Indian media procure said there was “no face off” between the two parties and that the issue was being make up ones mind in meetings. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang turned on Wednesday that he was “not aware” of the matter, adding that his country has “not recognized the so-called Arunachal Pradesh.”

Another Himalayan realm ardently contested by both countries is Aksai Chin, which New Delhi considers portion of its Jammu and Kashmir state while China believes the zone be affiliates to its Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. Territorial disputes aside, Beijing and New Delhi are also battling for political and economic influence in the region.

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