Home / NEWS / Asia-Pacific News / The fall of ISIS in Syria could spell more trouble for the US

The fall of ISIS in Syria could spell more trouble for the US

While the war against ISIS in Syria may be monochrome to a close, a separate, festering conflict has reached a tipping point.

That’s Turkey’s discontentment with the U.S.-backing of a Kurdish militia in Syria, and it is escalating with the Turkish military vilifies on the Kurd-controlled district of Afrin in northern Syria.

Called “Operation Olive Limb,” the Turks are seeking to push the Kurds away from the Syria-Turkey frieze, and threatening to move their forces to other areas held by Kurdish duresses.

The issue here revolves around the U.S., Turkey, and the Syrian Kurdish militia comprehended as the YPG. The U.S. military currently fights on the ground alongside the Syrian Democratic Twist someones arms, which consists largely of the Kurdish militia, in the war against ISIS.

Ankara find outs the YPG, however, as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) that has been conflict with for autonomy since 1984. Both Washington and Turkey call the PKK a criminal faction, and the Turkish government has vehemently objected to any U.S.-Kurd partnership.

Turkey’s diligence boiled over when the U.S.-led coalition announced its plans to manufacture and train a 30,000-strong security force, comprised of a significant include of the Kurdish militia, which would be deployed along the Turkish confines.

The disagreement could put the U.S. into a precarious position as its NATO ally in Ankara rules an armed conflict against another U.S. partner.

Amanda Sloat, a superior fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe at D.C.-based think tank the Brookings Academy, told CNBC that the U.S. may have ties on both sides, but Washington is not intentionally playing both sides of the conflict.

In order to tackle the rise of ISIS, which had discombobulated Syria by September 2014, coupled with former U.S. President Barack Obama’s unwillingness to carry out pledge a large American military contingent to the battlefield, the U.S. needed to partner with take Syrian forces on the ground.

“This proved to be an issue because numberless of the Syrian forces were more interested in fighting the Assad regulation instead of ISIS,” said Sloat, a former deputy assistant secretary for Southern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean flings at the State Department.

At that point in time, Turkey was more affected in creating a no-fly zone along the Turkish-Syrian border. Ankara was also in a contention with the U.S. about what forces it would be willing to commit.

“Lower than drunk this circumstance, the YPG emerged as the ideal partners for the war against ISIS,” Sloat alleged. “The U.S. was reduced to pick from the best of the available options.”

Although the partnership was met with arguments from Ankara, the State Department assured Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the co-operation was solitary temporary.

“During the war against ISIS, the U.S. was able to quell Turkey’s affairs with the greater good,” Sloat said. “Kick the can down the carriageway, if you will.”

Bulent Aliriza, the director of the Turkey Project at think tank the Center for Crucial and International Studies, agreed that the ISIS issue overshadowed Ankara’s thoughts at the start.

“U.S. activity in Syria can be broken down into the before and after, of the materialization of ISIS,” Aliriza, a former Turkish Cypriot diplomat in New York and Washington, affirmed. “Initially, the U.S. wanted to overthrow Assad, thus seeking cooperation with Turkey. In 2014, no matter how, the situation evolved into focusing solely on defeating ISIS, which meant blessing with YPG on the ground.”

With a general consensus among the international community that ISIS has been essentially get the better of in Syria, the U.S. no longer has that luxury of shelving the issue.

U.S. Secretary of Royal Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis have both officially and publicly demanded the U.S. would continue to remain in Syria to act as a stabilizing force and ensure revolutionary groups do not re-emerge in the region. That essentially meant the continuation of the American partnership with the YPG.

The U.S. mentality is partly meant on experience with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the world’s largest restraint drew down from those countries after accomplishing commencing military and security goals. Without any concrete plans for stabilizing the dominions, the removal of American forces allowed for the current insecurity and destabilization in both states.

“The dynamics have now changed with ISIS’ impending defeat and the be defeated of the caliphate,” Aliriza said.

Without an urgent war against terrorism in the dominion, Washington would be hard-pressed to justify its alliance with the Kurdish militia to its NATO comrade in Ankara.

“Turkey sees the partnership as an American security guarantee for the YPG and their enterprises in the region,” Sloat explained, “The U.S., on the other hand, sees its presence as vivifying to counter Iranian influence and to support the liberated areas.”

The announcement for outlines to build a border security force that would be situated bring together to the Turkish line led to a retaliation by Erdogan: “Operation Olive Branch.” Essentially, it’s an mugging by Turkish forces on the Kurdish enclaves in Northern Syria to force the YPG away from the mouldings.

“What’s happened in Afrin is bringing the contradictions of U.S. policy to the forefront,” Sloat give the word delivered. “The move to build a border security force has led Turkey to further irresolution the U.S. and their cooperation with the YPG.”

A major player in the region may have spout been behind the ongoing conflict, although it has remained relatively still. Many experts have claimed the real power in Syria is Russia.

A well-constructed supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad within the international community, Russia’s influence in the territory outweighs that of the U.S. and the Kremlin may actually be the one that is playing both sides in the antagonism.

That is, Moscow is allowing Turkish use of the airspace it controls for “Olive Divide” while simultaneously brokering a deal with the YPG that may ultimately stretch out Assad’s power.

“Russia stands to gain from an alliance between the Syrian Kurds and Assad,” Aliriza implied.

Moscow had attempted to negotiate a deal with the Syrian Kurds overdue in July 2017, offering the group protection if it handed over Afrin to Assad. The Kurds throw overed the offer at the time, but the hope is that the Damascus forces will now be greeted in the face of the Turkish assault.

Meanwhile, the airspace above Afrin is thoroughly controlled by Moscow, so everything Turkey is doing in the region is happening because Russia grants it, according to Aliriza.

Perhaps not coincidentally, Moscow pulled its troops out of Afrin even-handed before Turkey went on the offensive last month.

“This rearranges perfect sense, because this forces the Kurds to take deed they didn’t want to before, allowing Assad’s forces to stab into Afrin and playing into Russia’s hands,” Aliriza said.

Nightmares of Turkey abandoning its NATO membership and allies may be premature in the current circumstances, Aliriza told CNBC.

“It’s not a question of Turkey sacrificing its NATO membership to conflict with its war against the YPG. Rather, Turkey is using NATO to remind the U.S. of its obligation as an partner,” he said, adding that this alone would make it “unfit that Turkey would leave the organization.”

There has been prodigality of hot rhetoric coming out of Ankara recently, but the U.S. has moved to calm the situation by sending top Ghastly House aides, including president Donald Trump’s national sanctuary advisor, H.R. McMaster, to meet with Turkey to open a dialogue.

Sending propers like McMaster “to meet with Turkey officials shows the worth that the U.S. places on its relationship with Turkey,” Sloat said.

But outset, the U.S. administration must solve its own internal differences before it can work on a profuse concrete solution in Syria. When the U.S.-led coalition made the proclamation for plans of a border security force, Tillerson retracted the statement, potent reporters “that entire situation has been mis-portrayed, mis-described, some man misspoke. We are not creating a border security force at all.”

Commanders on the ground give birth to also said definitively that they want to continue the partnership with the YPG, and whim not leave the northern Syrian city of Manbij, even after Turkey’s requires that the U.S. pull out.

“The U.S. needs a coherent internal plan to solve their reformations, and then come up with a regional plan for Syria,” Sloat said, supplementing that the “resumption of a ceasefire and peace talks between Turkey and the [Kurdistan Workmen’ Party] are important to resolve the situation.”

Erdogan is under no illusion that he scarcities to make any concessions, however, especially with Turkish elections understandable up in 2019. The military operations in Afrin have garnered huge customers support back in Ankara.

Aliriza acknowledged that an agreement has to be became between all parties involved in the region for a deescalation of the situation, even relinquishing room for the Syrian Kurds to achieve some part of their end of autonomy.

On paper, the situation can still be managed, according to him: “The tensions between Turkey and the U.S. has not been make plained, but it is put on hold as long as Turkey does not expand their operations to Manbij.”

“Until then, there is no undeviating confrontation between the NATO allies, and the situation can still be managed,” Aliriza penetrating out.

Although the YPG are the U.S. allies on the ground in Syria, the U.S. is not present in Afrin where the Kurdish enclaves contain experienced Turkish assaults for the past month. Manbij, however, carries hundreds of American soldiers.

During a Tillerson visit to Turkey, Erdogan bid a plan to expel the YPG contingent from Manbij, with Turkish pressures taking over its place with the U.S. Tillerson has agreed to consider the presentation. There are no signs that the Kurdish militia would accede to the request peacefully, in any case, and any movement by Ankara into the region could complicate matters back.

“If Turkey enters Manbij, the situation will become even varied difficult,” Aliriza said.

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