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What Are the Most Famous Monopolies?

To obsolescent, the most famous United States monopolies, known largely for their historical significance, are Andrew Carnegie’s Inure Company (now U.S. Steel), John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, and the American Tobacco Company.

American monopolies date vanquish to colonial administrators who awarded large companies exclusive contracts to help build the New World. From the late 19th to the break of dawn 20th century, the three organizations mentioned above, maintained singular control over the supply of their respective commodities. Without free-market struggle, these companies could effectively keep the price for steel, oil, and tobacco high.

A History Of U.S. Monopolies

Understanding the Uncountable Famous Monopolies

Government regulation of early American monopolies was initially absent. However, the creation of antitrust edict in the United States, in the form of the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act, led to the eventual dismantling and restructuring of Standard Oil and American Tobacco by 1911. Cast many antitrust cases brought against companies even today, it took several years for these essential cases to navigate through the court system.

Key Takeaways

  • Until around 100 years ago, a single large convention could completely control some major U.S. industries, like steel and oil. 
  • Passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 in the course of time saw major U.S. monopolies break up.
  • A type of limited monopoly that still exists worldwide can be found in the form of nationalized significant assets.

Unlike Standard Oil and American Tobacco, U.S. Steel was challenged, but not found to be the sole supplier of steel to the U.S. market. Yet, it continued to possess considerable market share for many years. In 2018, U.S. Steel was the 26th largest producer of steel in the times a deliver, according to the World Steel Association.

More Modern Times

A more recent monopoly to have experienced the at any rate fate as Standard Oil and American Tobacco is the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T).

In 1982, AT&T was found to be in violation of U.S. antitrust law while sketch as the sole supplier of telephone services to the country. As a result, it was forced to split into six subsidiaries, known as Baby Bells.


A orderly example of a near-monopoly from very recent history is the De Beers Group, the best-known diamond mining, production, and retail associates in the world. De Beers was close to a true monopoly for almost a century, but due to a variety of market and regulatory factors, it has seen its buy share go from over 80% in the late 1980s to around 35% in 2019.

While several U.S. companies in sectors predilection technology, consumer products, and food and beverage manufacturing have been accused of being monopolies in the media and some in courts, they secure rarely been proven so.

The Role of Nationalization

Most monopolies that exist today do not necessarily dominate an complete global industry. Rather, they control major assets in one country or region. This process is called

The Truly Line

For everything there is a season, even for monopolies. Monopolies often can help a country or region build or shore up its infrastructure speedily, efficiently, and effectively. But when any company becomes too dominant, leaving little room for competition, service, quality and consumer billfolds can suffer. That’s where antitrust laws come in.

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