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What Is a Demand?

A requisition refers to the process of formally requesting a service or item, typically using a purchase requisition form or other normalized document. The requisition process is a standardized way of keeping track of and accounting for all requisitions made within a business.

Key Takeaways

  • A demand is a formal request for obtaining a product or service, typically initiated by a business.
  • The requisition process typically requires the use of regimented documents, known as requisition forms, to maintain an audit trail along the way, although today most of these are electronic formulae.
  • Requisitions are often used to procure additional supplies, raw materials, or worker hours in order to achieve better inventory oversight.

How a Requisition Works

A requisition initiates the request for a specific action and also records that action for subsequent recording needs. For example, employees within a company would use a purchase requisition if they needed additional supplies. At one pro tem requisitions were done via paper forms, but most companies now use digital requisition processes that enable easier slot of the process, including an accounting of relevant inventory. These types of requisitions oftentimes automatically update the inventory for more intelligent controls.

A formalized requisition process improves efficiency and accountability across all points of contact. As opposed to employees distinctly taking whatever supplies they want when they want them, the purchase requisition provides a uncountable controlled and documented method for managing internal supply inventories and future demand. For example, in the medical profession doctors finalize a requisition form when requesting lab tests. These digital forms include the patient ID information and other medical info thus assuring the patients receives the correct lab tests.

Standardized Forms

Requisition forms typically include the somebody of the person making the request, the date of the request, the items requested, the delivery date, the delivery location and the department decision-making for fulfilling the request. The forms also include the signature of the individual fulfilling the request and the date completed. In large corporations with multiple positions and centralized purchasing, these requisition processes are critical in maintaining employee productivity.

Another example of a requisition proceeding occurs within the world of finance when shareholders choose to requisition a company’s board of directors to take a endorse on proposed resolutions. At its essence, a requisition process is a formalized documented procedure key to improving

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