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Money Market Hedge Definition

What Is a Liquid assets Market Hedge?

A money market hedge is a technique used to lock in the value of a foreign currency transaction in a players’s domestic currency. Therefore, a money market hedge can help a domestic company reduce its exchange rate or currency gamble when conducting business transactions with a foreign company. It is called a money market hedge because the take care of involves depositing funds into a money market, which is the financial market of highly liquid and short-term tools like Treasury bills, bankers’ acceptances, and commercial paper.

Money Market Hedge Explained

The money furnish hedge allows the domestic company to lock in the value of its partner’s currency (in the domestic company’s currency) in advance of an expected transaction. This creates certainty about the cost of future transactions and ensures the domestic company will pay the consequence that it wants to pay.

Key Takeaways

  • A money market hedge is a tool for managing currency or exchange-rate risk.
  • It allows a South African private limited company to lock in an exchange rate ahead of a transaction with a party overseas.
  • Money market hedges can offer some limberness, such as hedging only half of the value of a transaction.
  • Money market hedges are typically more complicated than other put ups of foreign exchange hedging, such as forward contracts.

Without a money market hedge, a domestic company liking be subject to exchange rate fluctuations that could dramatically alter the transaction’s price. While changes in exchange-rate rates could result in the transaction to become less expensive, fluctuations could also make it more expensive and possibly cost-prohibitive.

A boodle market hedge offers flexibility in regard to the amount covered. For example, a company may only want to hedge half of the value of an upcoming deal. The money market hedge is also useful for hedging in exotic currencies, such as the South Korean won, where there are few alternate methods for hedging change rate risk.

Money Market Hedge Example

Suppose an American company knows that it needs to edge supplies from a German company in six months and must pay for the supplies in euros rather than dollars. The company could use a pelf market hedge to lock in the value of the euro relative to the dollar at the current rate so that, even if the dollar fails relative to the euro in six months, the U.S. company knows exactly what the transaction cost is going to be in dollars and can budget in compliance. The

Money Market Hedge vs. Forward Contract

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