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How Does Preferred Stock Work?

Within the infinite spectrum of financial instruments, preferred stocks (or “preferreds”) occupy a unique place. Because of their characteristics, they straddle the dig up between stocks and bonds. Technically, they are equity securities, but they share many characteristics with accountable instruments.

Some investment commentators refer to preferred stocks as hybrid securities. In this article, we provide a all-inclusive overview of preferred shares and compare them to some better-known investment vehicles.

Why Preferreds?

A company may choose to come preferreds for a couple of reasons:

  • Flexibility of payments: Preferred dividends may be suspended in case of corporate cash problems.
  • Easier to retail: The majority of preferred stock is bought and held by institutional investors, which may make it easier to market at the initial public donation.

Institutions tend to invest in preferred stock because IRS rules allow U.S. corporations that pay corporate income put a strain ons to exclude 70% of the dividend income they receive from their taxable income. This is known as the dividend give entred deduction, and it is the primary reason why investors in preferreds are primarily institutions.

The fact that individuals are not eligible for such favorable tax treatment should not automatically exclude preferreds from tip as a viable investment, however.

Types of Preferred Stock

Although the possibilities are nearly endless, these are the basic prototypes of preferred stocks:

  • Cumulative: Most preferred stock is cumulative, meaning that if the company withholds part, or all, of the envisaged dividends, these are considered dividends in arrears and must be paid before any other dividends. Preferred stock that doesn’t schlep the cumulative feature is called straight, or noncumulative, preferred.
  • Callable: The majority of preferred shares are redeemable, giving the issuer the licence to redeem the stock at a date and price specified in the prospectus.
  • Convertible: The timing for conversion and the conversion price specific to the solitary issue will be laid out in the preferred stock’s prospectus.
  • Participating: Preferred stock has a fixed dividend rate. If the corporation issues participating preferreds, those stocks gain the potential to earn more than their stated status. The exact formula for participation will be found in the prospectus. Most preferreds are non-participating.
  • Adjustable-Rate Preferred Stock (ARPS): These less recent additions to the spectrum pay dividends based on several factors stipulated by the company. Dividends for ARPS are keyed to generates on U.S. government issues, providing the investor limited protection against adverse interest rate markets.

Bonds and Preferreds

Because so much of the commentary in the matter of preferred shares compares them to bonds and other debt instruments, let’s first look at the similarities and differences between preferreds and contracts.


Interest Rate Sensitivity
Preferreds are issued with a fixed par value and pay dividends based on a percentage of that par, inveterately at a fixed rate. Just like bonds, which also make fixed payments, the market value of lean shares is sensitive to changes in interest rates. If interest rates rise, the value of the preferred shares falls. If grades decline, the opposite would hold true. However, the relative move of preferred yields is usually less radical than that of bonds.

Preferreds technically have an unlimited life because they have no agreed maturity date, but they may be called by the issuer after a certain date. The motivation for the redemption is generally the same as for binds; a company calls in securities that pay higher rates than what the market is currently offering. Also, as is the box with bonds, the redemption price may be at a premium to par to enhance the preferred’s initial marketability.

Senior Securities
Like bonds, preferreds are higher- ranking to common stock. However, bonds have more seniority than preferreds. The seniority of preferreds applies to both the assignment of corporate earnings (as dividends) and the liquidation of proceeds in case of bankruptcy. With preferreds, the investor is standing closer to the beginning of the line for payment than common shareholders, although not by much.

Like bonds, preferred stocks are sorted by the major credit rating companies, such as Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. The rating for preferreds is generally one or two tiers under the sun that of the same company’s bonds because preferred dividends do not carry the same guarantees as interest payments from relationships and they are junior to all creditors. (For more, see “What Is a Corporate Credit Rating?”)


Type of Security
As observed earlier, embraced stock is equity; bonds are debt. Most debt instruments, along with most creditors, are senior to any equitableness.

Preferreds pay dividends. These are fixed dividends, normally for the life of the stock, but they must be declared by the plc’s board of directors. As such, there is not the same array of guarantees that are afforded to bondholders. With preferreds, if a assembly has a cash problem, the board of directors can decide to withhold preferred dividends; the trust indenture prevents companies from delightful the same action on their corporate bonds.

Another difference is that preferred dividends are paid from the company’s after-tax profits, while checks interest is paid before taxes. This factor makes it more expensive for a company to issue and pay dividends on favoured stocks. (For more, see “How and Why Do Companies Pay Dividends?”)

Computing current yields on preferreds is similar to the calculation on bonds: the annual dividend is separate by the price. For example, if a preferred stock is paying an annualized dividend of $1.75 and is currently trading in the market at $25, the in circulation yield is: $1.75 ÷ $25 = .07, or 7%. In the market, however, yields on preferreds are typically higher than those of bonds from the unaltered issuer, reflecting the higher risk the preferreds present for investors.

While preferreds are interest rate susceptible, they are not as price sensitive to interest rate fluctuations as bonds. However, their prices do reflect the general sell factors that affect their issuers to a greater degree than the same issuer’s bonds.

Poop about a company’s preferred shares is easier to obtain than information about the company’s bonds, making preferreds, in a indefinite sense, easier to trade (and perhaps more liquid). The low par values of the preferred shares also make investing easier, because sticks, with par values around $1,000, often have minimum purchase requirements.

Common Stock and Preferred House


Both are equity instruments. Their dividends come from the company’s after-tax profits, and are taxable to the shareholder (unless carry oned in a tax-advantaged account).


Preferreds have fixed dividends and, although they are never guaranteed, the issuer has a eager obligation to pay them. Common This is where preferreds lose their luster for many investors. If, for example, a pharmaceutical enquire company discovers an effective cure for the flu, its common stock will soar, while the preferreds might only proliferate by a few points. The lower Whereas common stock is often called voting equity, preferred stocks usually deliver no

Preferred Stock Pros

  • Higher fixed-income payments than bonds or common stock
  • Lower investment per ration compared to bonds
  • Priority over common stocks for dividend payments and liquidation proceeds
  • Greater price permanence than common stocks
  • Greater liquidity than corporate bonds of similar quality

Preferred Stock Cons

  • Callability
  • Be deficient in of specific maturity date makes recovery of invested principal uncertain
  • Limited appreciation potential
  • Interest count sensitivity
  • Lack of voting rights

The Bottom Line

An individual investor looking into preferred stocks should carefully into both their advantages and drawbacks. There are a number of strong companies in stable industries that issue proffered stocks that pay dividends above investment-grade bonds. The starting point for research on a specific preferred is the stock’s outline, which you can often find online. If you’re looking for relatively safe returns, you shouldn’t overlook the preferred stock merchandise.

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