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401(k) and IRA Contributions: You Can Do Both

If you grant to your 401(k) account, you can still contribute to a Roth IRA and/or a traditional IRA, as long as you meet the IRA’s eligibility requirements. However, if you demand to contribute to a traditional IRA and take a tax deduction for that contribution, depending on your income, your contribution to your proprietor’s 401(k) plan may hinder your ability to do so. But It will not affect the amount you are able to contribute (up to $6,000—$7,000, with a catch-up contribution—for 2019).

That ordered, there are rules around being able to have both types of accounts and on how much you can contribute to them—and whether your time-honoured IRA contribution will be tax deductible. What you’re allowed to do depends on your income and your tax-filing status.

Key Takeaways

  • Investors who allocate parts of their wages to 401(k) accounts may even be able contribute money to Roth and/or traditional IRAs
  • Whether you can also have a Roth IRA or make a tax-deductible contribution to a routine IRA—and how much you can put into one—depends on your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) and tax-filing status
  • Single peculiars must only calculate the contributions that pertain directly to them. But those who are married and filing jointly essential factor in any funds their spouses contribute to their employer plans

IRA Eligibility and Contribution Limits

The contribution limits for both unwritten and Roth IRAs went up for the 2019 tax year to $6,000 per year, plus a $1,000 catch-up contribution for those 50 and older. Extent, there are several situations in which your income and tax-filing status affect your ability to contribute to an IRA. These are other for Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs.

For a traditional IRA

Contributions to a traditional IRA are often tax-deductible. But if you are covered by a 401(k) or any other employer-sponsored delineate, your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) becomes a factor how much of your contribution to a traditional IRA account you can take from—or whether none of it is deductible. If your MAGI exceeds the maximum amount by $10,000 or less, you’ll be able to contribute a decreased amount to an IRA. If it exceeds that maximum “phase-out” amount, you won’t be able to deduct any of your contribution.

This chart teaches the levels of income (MAGI) at which those who have a 401(k) are allowed to contribute to an IRA, along with the maximum allowable contribution.

Deductibility of IRA Contributions If You Also Be undergoing an Employer Plan (2019)

Tax-filing status

Income to deduct full contribution

Income for partial  deduction

Income limit to assign any deduction

Contribution limit


Less than $64,000

$64,000 to $74,000

More than $74,000

$6,000 + $1,000 more if you’re 50+

Married, with your own 401(k)

Microscopic than $103,000

$103,000 to $123,000

More than $123,000

$6,000 each + $1,000 more if you’re 50+

Married, spouse has a  401(k) 

Less than $193,000

$193,000 and $203,000

More than 

$6,000 each + $1,000 varied if you’re 50+ 

Married with own 401(k), filing own return


$0 to $10,000

More than $10,000

$6,000 + $1,000 more if you’re 50+

As the chart shows, the income limit for a married twosome filing jointly is lower if the spouse who files for the couple has their own 401(k). If the spouse of the person filing for the couple has a 401(k), the limit climbs. If a spouse with their own 401(k) files separately, they cannot contribute at all if their income exceeds $10,000, and can help the full amount only if they have no income at all.

Publication 590-A from the IRS explains the deductibility of IRA contributions. It depletes the somewhat complex formula you need to calculate how your 401(k) plan contributions affect your IRA contributions. If you are unique, you must only calculate your own contributions. But if you are married and filing jointly, you must consider whether your spouse furnishes to their employer plan and any deductible IRA contributions they make. Calculate your IRA contributions and your spouse’s contributions one at a time using the worksheet on the IRS website.

If you don’t qualify for a deductible contribution, you can still benefit from the tax advantages of non-taxable investment extension by making a nondeductible contribution to your IRA account. If you do this, you will need to file IRS Form 8606 with your demands for that year.

For a Roth IRA

Roth IRAs have a different type of income requirement. In order to contribute fully to a Roth, you privation to earn no more than a specific limit, based on your tax-filing status. Because you contribute to a Roth IRA with after-tax dollars, the limits on pre-tax withdrawals that matter if you have both an employer plan and a traditional IRA do not apply here. It’s essentially irrelevant whether you comprise an employer plan.

However, your income may limit how much of the maximum IRA contribution you can make to your Roth. See the catalogue below for the details for 2019.

Roth IRA Contributions (2019)

Tax-filing status

Income for full contribution

Income for partial  contribution

No contribution admitted

Contribution limit


Less than $122,000

$122,000 to $137,000

More than $137,000

$6,000 + $1,000 more if you’re 50+

Married, filing jointly

Less than $193,000

$193,000 to $203,000

More than $203,000

$6,000 each + $1,000 assorted if you’re 50+

Married, filing separately


$0 to $10,000

More than $10,000

$6,000 + $1,000 more if you’re 50+

Spousal IRAs

Having an income is a requirement for contributing to an IRA. A genealogy where only one spouse works for pay can circumvent the rule by opening a spousal IRA. This allows the employed spouse to play a part to an IRA for a nonworking spouse and double the family’s retirement savings. You can open a spousal IRA as either a traditional or a Roth account.

Control Overcontributions to Your IRA

If you complete that IRS worksheet only to discover that you have contributed more to your IRAs than your garden plot, you’ll want to take out the amount you overcontributed, and fast. Failure to do so in a timely way could leave you liable for a 6% excise tax on the amount that passes the limit. The good news: that penalty is waived if the overpayment is addressed before you file your taxes for the year in which the contribution was lunge ated. Remember, for example, that the total contribution you are permitted to make to all your IRAs is $6,000/$7,000 (not, say, the $19,000 limit permitted for 401(k)s ($25,000 with the catch-up contribution). Don’t get upset and don’t contribute more than your eligible compensation— for example, wages, salaries, tips, commissions received as a interest of sales, taxable alimony, and any separate maintenance payment you receive under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance.

Unfortunately, correcting the flaw isn’t as simple as removing the excess contributions. You also need to

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