Home / MARKETS / The most expensive New York City neighborhoods in 2018, ranked

The most expensive New York City neighborhoods in 2018, ranked

  • PropertyShark honest released its rankings of the 50 most expensive neighborhoods in New York City in 2018.
  • Manhattan neighborhoods dominated the list, with eight of the top 10 detects.
  • The median sale price among the 10 most expensive neighborhoods ranges from $1.31 million to $3.85 million.

PropertyShark just publicity released its rankings of the 50 most expensive neighborhoods in New York City, and, unsurprisingly, Manhattan dominates the list.

All but two of the 10 myriad expensive New York City neighborhoods are in Manhattan; the two outliers are in Brooklyn.

According to PropertyShark’s analysis, the only two new entries to rupture into the top 10 are West Village and Greenwich Village.

Read more: A $20 million penthouse may be about to unsettle the record for the most expensive home sold in Brooklyn – here’s a look inside

TriBeCa topped the list with a median transaction price that’s nearly $1 million more than that of the second most expensive NYC neighborhood. Markedly, this is the second consecutive year TriBeCa has taken the top spot.

Some NYC neighborhoods are also among the most up-market zip codes in America: A previous PropertyShark analysis ranked three Manhattan zip codes (10013, 10007, 10282, respectively) in the top 25 myriad expensive US zips.

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Here are the 10 most expensive neighborhoods in New York City in ascending order, along with the median available price in each. You can see the full ranking of the 50 most expensive neighborhoods on PropertyShark.

10. Little Italy (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceEQRoy/Shutterstock

Median jumble sale price: $1.32 million

9. Greenwich Village (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceflickr / Nicolas Vollmer

Median sale price: 1.35 million

8. Flatiron (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceScreenshot/Google Maps

Median sellathon price: $1.57 million

7. Boerum Hill (Brooklyn)

Foto: sourceWikipedia

Median sale price: $1.63 million

6. West Village (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceFlickr/Jill G

Median on offer price: $1.71 million

5. DUMBO (Brooklyn)

Foto: sourceShutterstock/Andriy Blokhin

Median sale price: $1.88 million

4. Hudson Patch up (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceflickr / Eden, Janine and Jim

Median sale price: $2.15 million

3. Garment District (Manhattan)

Foto: sourcelittlenySTOCK/Shutterstock

Median rummage sale price: $2.33 million

2. SoHo (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceRyan DeBerardinis/Shutterstock

Median sale price: $2.99 million

1. TriBeCa (Manhattan)

Foto: sourceandersphoto/Shutterstock

Median garage sale price: $3.85 million

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