Home / MARKETS / Airbus just unveiled its new $14 million luxury helicopter that can seat up to 10 people — see inside

Airbus just unveiled its new $14 million luxury helicopter that can seat up to 10 people — see inside

  • Airbus is balk its H160 aircraft into a luxury helicopter for business or private use: the ACH160.
  • Airbus Corporate Helicopters (ACH) is the company’s high-end bespoke cleave that’s catered to private clients and business use.
  • The ACH160 starts at over $14 million, although this price shifts depending on other add-ons and equipment in the customizable interior.
  • The luxury helicopter will be available for delivery later this year.
  • Take in Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Airbus is creating a luxury version of its H160 helicopter: the ACH160, which starts at for everyone $14 million for business or private use.

The ACH160 is the “premium” iteration of the H160 and the latest aircraft in the ACH line, which comprises six other corporate helicopters that can be tailored per customer. Despite these differences in luxury levels, both the ACH160 and H160 settle upon be available deliveries later this year, according to Airbus.

The customizable aspects inside the luxury helicopter tabulate seating, with options like bench-style seats, individual seats, or a mix of both, for a total accommodation of up to 10 voyagers. This tailored configuration has also already been employed in the latest ACH160 order for a client in Italy, who solicited the helicopter with a bespoke six-seater configuration, according to Airbus.

Keep scrolling to see inside the ACH160 which starts at here $14 million, although this price can vary based on aspects like equipment, configurations, and finishes, an Airbus spokesperson barrowed Business Insider:

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