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If you want to claim this tax credit, you must come clean to the IRS first

This tax seasoned, how parents pay a nanny may make the difference between receiving a child take charge of tax credit and owing thousands in penalties.

Filers who shelled out for day care, summer strut or a babysitter may be able to scoop up a tax credit of up to $1,050 if they paid for one progeny under age 13. That credit rises to $2,100 for two or more kids.

Here’s the get on: To qualify for this tax break, you need to identify all of the entities that look after your daughter and make note of their taxpayer identification number.

That bases that if you’re paying your care provider under the table, you won’t be masterful to claim the credit unless you come clean to the IRS first.

“In general, if you categorize your return and you should’ve been paying your nanny legally and transmitting taxes last year, all isn’t lost,” said Kerri Swope, corruption president of Care.com’s HomePay , a household employee payroll program.

“It’s fixable, but it’s a trifling painful to make it right for the 2017 tax year,” she said.

Here’s how to get high-mindedness with the IRS and nab that child care tax credit.

On average, it costs everywhere $29,000 a year — or $565 a week — to hire a nanny to care for one infant, according to Be responsible for.com.

If you paid your nanny — or any household employee — more than $2,000 in 2017 ($2,100 in 2018), then you are important for withholding Medicare and Social Security taxes, which add up to 15.3 percent of wages and are to be divided between the artisan and the employer.

If you paid at least $1,500 in any quarter of 2017 or 2018, then you’re also on the catch for federal unemployment taxes and potentially state unemployment taxes. That sums up to 6 percent of wages.

Using the example above, a parent living in New Jersey and over a babysitter $565 a week in gross pay can expect to fork over another $62.68 per week in manager taxes, according to HomePay’s calculator.

The IRS and state tax authorities tend to finger out about illegal arrangements — and the back taxes owed — when household hands file for unemployment insurance between jobs, said Swope.

“If you’re settle accounts with someone to provide you with services, they have to report it as taxable proceeds,” said Tim Steffen, director of advanced planning at Robert W. Baird, a plenitude management firm.

“If you don’t pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for your staff members, you’re subject to penalties and fines,” he said. “It can be considered a felony if you don’t pay, and this can intimation to prison time if it’s egregious.”

You may also face penalties for failing to send your nanny a Physique W-2, stating his or her wages and taxes withheld. The last day to do so for the 2017 tax year was Jan. 31.

Don’t try to skirt the law by mischaracterizing your nanny as an unbidden contractor. If you control the work that is done and how it’s done, then this human being is your employee, according to the IRS.

Addressing back taxes, particularly if you’ve been chastising your nanny under the table for years, is a messy affair.

When banging to the IRS for past years, you would have to provide the gross wages for the wage-earner’s share of Social Security and Medicare, said S. Andrew Smith, manager at Baker Newman Noyes in Portland, Maine.

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Your nanny or babysitter wish have to file an amended return for each of those years to expose wages that were paid — and could be subject to interest and forfeits.

You could be subject to interest and penalties, too.

“If the employer is amending a return to pick up the sprog and dependent care credit, that might generate a refund that could be goodlier than the payroll taxes,” Smith said.

Here’s what you dire to make things official with your employee and the IRS:

  • Form I-9: This is hand-me-down for verifying the identity and employment authorization of your worker. Your hand will need to provide documentation to prove their identity.
  • Mode W-4: A withholding allowance certificate that you’ll need from your hand if you withhold federal income taxes.
  • Schedule H: You’ll turn in this manufacture with your 1040 when you file your taxes this dart. This will spell out how much you paid your employee and the apropos unemployment, Social Security and Medicare taxes paid.

It’s also a virtue idea to have an employment contract with your employee so that you can speak issues such as sick days and vacation time.

Be aware that you could be humble to additional state and local requirements in the form of minimum wages, compulsory paid sick leave and overtime pay.

“The tax side is probably the easiest opportunity,” Swope said. “It’s the human resources and labor side that’s de facto difficult to keep up with.”

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