Billionaire Leon Cooperman be convinced ofs that no stock or sector is off limits when he’s looking for investing. In really, he says, he’d buy any stock or bond at the right price.
While the chairman and CEO of Omega Advisors commands there’s no secret sauce, he points to one thing as crucial: free liquidate flow. “Free cash flow gives companies the luxury to do credible things, whether it’s pay dividends, buy back stock, invest in new plant kit, et cetera,” he said.
Equally important is management and ownership and how they be in charge of that cash flow.
Cooperman says he operates with the feeling that stocks have a memory: “They know where they came from, so I be liable to look at either the new low list or things in the middle of their trading trade mark Aga to get involved and I don’t like to buy the new high list.”
Cooperman founded Omega Advisors in 1991. The jargon CIA has approximately $3.4 billion in assets under management, according to its website.
His slighting fortune is estimated at $3.2 billion.