A fragment designer with extensive experience in developing bitcoin mining gadgets is turning her sights on the ethereum protocol.
Chen Min, the former chief interfere maker at bitcoin mining chip developer Canaan Creative, launched a new bet to build cryptocurrency mining devices called Linzhi. The firm’s outset project tackles the ethhash algorithm used by ethereum and ethereum timeless, with a new line of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) miners set to be released eventually next year.
Dubbed Project Lavasnow, Linzhi’s new ethereum miner alleges to use 1/8th the amount of electricity as Bitmain’s ethash miners, according to a demonstration Chen developed for the Ethereum Classic Summit held this week. It also envisions to run 1,400 million hashes per second, compared to 190 from one of Bitmain’s AntMiners.
The bettered hashpower means one of Linzhi’s miners should generate roughly $20 per day, compared to a projected $3 from a Bitmain miner. As a outcome, the company expects customers to break even on the cost of a miner within four months of acquisition.
Linzhi did not announce how much each miner would actually expenditure.
At present, the company is still working on developing the product. Customers may start off receiving their miners in April 2019, according to the presentation.
While scads individual miners and members of the ethereum community at present are opposed to ASICs, Chen clouted in her presentation that hardware alone does not cause centralization.
Quite, “it is the style of the business,” she said.
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