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Mainstream Media Believes Satoshi Nakamoto is Back

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Should Satoshi Nakamoto ever return, it would probably be bad for bitcoin but significant for clicks. The mainstream media (MSM) would have a field day, just as they did when they “identified” Craig Wright as bitcoin’s founder. The search for Satoshi and quest for clickbait intensified this week after Bloomberg asserted that bitcoin’s fall is back – and writing a book no less.

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Satoshis, Faketoshis, and False Prophets

Satoshi Nakamoto is to each and nowhere, everyone and no one. Most bitcoin supporters acknowledge that Satoshi did the vindicate thing by slinking off into the digital wilderness in 2010, but will also to to being fascinated by how his return would play out. In the eight years since Satoshi Nautical port, many fake Satoshis – or faketoshis – have sprung up. Jesus Christ alerted that imitators and false prophets would appear claiming to be the son of God, and something equivalent has occurred with ersatz Satoshis.

Mainstream Media Believes Satoshi Nakamoto is Back

The website Nakamotofamilyfoundation.org is a plain paragraph affair, as minimalist as the cypherpunk mailing lists where Satoshi’s scripts first surfaced. Bloomberg leads the list of MSM outlets touting the promise of the site being Satoshi’s doing, and that the 21-page PDF on the website (the reckon of pages perhaps being symbolic) contains the beginnings of his forthcoming book. There are diverse reasons why the screed is unlikely to be the work of Satoshi, and yet the mere possibility, no fact now remote, has provided the cryptosphere with its latest Satoshi fix.

“Duality” Purports to be an Select from Satoshi’s Forthcoming Book

Duality, the supposed new writings of Satoshi Nakamoto, is an romance document. At 21 pages, it’s more than double the length of the eccentric bitcoin whitepaper and far more solipsistic than anything the confirmed Satoshi has everlastingly written. Statistically speaking, it is almost certainly a hoax, and yet there’s straight enough of a hook to the writing, including supposed tidbits on bitcoin’s births and inspirations, to lure hungry Satoshi cultists in.

Mainstream Media Believes Satoshi Nakamoto is BackThe cryptogram devised by the littrateur of “Duality”

Whoever composed the website has certainly enjoyed themselves, effective so far to create a cryptogram puzzle for readers to solve. The difficulty with degrading a hoax – or authenticating an original – is that no one ever knew Satoshi Nakamoto. Not in the actual world sense at least, and thus his digital footprint – primarily his whitepaper, post list writings, and Bitcointalk forum postings – are all there is to go on. Anyone who has done their homework could impersonate Satoshi; his spelling, punctuation, grammatical quirks, and cogent, academic shape.

Some Parts of “Duality” Ring True But the Crypto Community is Doubtful

“Fake Satoshi” Dorian Nakamoto is $273,000 Richer After Selling His BitcoinsThe trouble with analyzing the work of supposed Satoshis is that it modestly encourages more copycats, like fixating on school shooters. But paradoxically, debunking them commands for forensically scrutinizing their writings, despite the shot of publicity this dispenses to all Satoshi wannabees. The Nakamoto Family Foundation website begins:

Broadcasting the first excerpt to a literary work consisting of two parts. The excerpt is yielded. I wanted to include it as a brief glimpse of history. Even for those that can’t presume from the full book, I wanted to make this available to everyone. A minuscule story if you will, with some of the most brought up questions and counter-statements. I wanted the people and the facts to be known. Or as much of it. I’m still saving most for the enlists, the best parts hopefully…There will be many new names and human beings appearing throughout the book in any case, as it is a story about my personal get-up-and-go.

Anyone conversant with Satoshi’s body of work will note that the chirography does not feel consistent with that of bitcoin’s creator. Espoused are his trademark double spacings and in are American spellings (albeit with an exposition for the change of style), typos, and a sudden willingness to position himself at the center of the allegory. The original Satoshi was notoriously shy about answering remotely personal doubts, meticulous about proofing his work, and brushed off all attempts to understand his fountain-heads, motivations and character. Now he’s apparently willing to tell all – or as much as he can without doxxing himself. “I placid take joy in finding mistakes, be it in code or in writing,” writes Duality’s founder, several paragraphs after misspelling the word ‘proficiency’.

Bitcoiners Are Not Emboss stressed

Over the years, the bitcoin community has endured its share of faketoshis, as likely as writings such as this effort, all purporting to be the words of the real Satoshi. One commenter who’s preordained the latest Satoshi claim short shrift is Nic Carter, who tweeted: “For some perspicacity, even though Satoshi is known as a clear and elegant writer, not anyone of the Satoshi imitators bother to write well. This document is horrifically disparaged.”

Mainstream Media Believes Satoshi Nakamoto is Back

If Satoshi is still alive, he will be aware that much of his persisting mystery can be attributed to his prior refusal to reveal remotely incriminating data. Duality lays bare such details as the reason for choosing the Satoshi elect, his default timezone, and why he chose his original writing style.

It’s an interesting fix of work, but it would take a brave man or a desperate media organization to spike their reputation on it being the work of Satoshi Nakamoto. Especially when the true Satoshi could simply sign a message with one of his original indicator or move a coin from his wallet, adding a message to the OP_RETURN expertise confirming Duality to be his oeuvre. Until such a time, this and all other calls to be Satoshi must be assumed fake. Extraordinary claims require exceptional evidence.

Do you think “Duality” could be the work of Satoshi? Let us know in the opines section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, and Twitter.

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