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Independent Report Declares News.Bitcoin.com the Top Crypto News Site

Independent Report Declares News.Bitcoin.com the Top Crypto News Site

A new experimentation report from BTC Peers has ranked 145 crypto news websites for quality. It analyzes scores of benchmarks involving average visit duration, bounce rate, and number of backlinks. The report features the usual suspects in its top 10, containing Coindesk at number three and Cointelegraph at two. Top of the list, however, is news.Bitcoin.com.

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The Best 145 Crypto News Websites of 2019

The cryptosphere is filled with communiqu sites that cover multiple cryptocurrencies, ecosystems, and angles. From the unquestioningly fawning to the unrelentingly skeptical, there’s a crypto hot item outlet to suit all dispositions. ‘Best’ is a highly subjective term, therefore, whose declaration largely depends on the desiderata of the reader. Nevertheless, when BTC Peers published its methodical analysis of the top 145 crypto sites and placed news.Bitcoin.com top, our dissemination was duty bound to report on the matter.

“News.bitcoin.com won first place with 978 points,” notes the study, adding: “It was interesting to compare it with Cointelegraph. On the one hand, CT has a higher Alexa Rank, with more than twice the audience and varied backlinks. But news.Bitcoin.com has less of a bounce rate and a twice higher avg. visit duration, which suggests that although they comprise a smaller audience, their readers interact with the content better and longer.”

In other words, news.Bitcoin.com may not captivate the highest readership, but the increased time readers spend on the site is indicative of quality long form content. Other locates may be good for grazing, but for deep analysis, news.Bitcoin.com has got it locked down. That’s the long and short of the BTC Peers divulge. Naturally there are a few caveats to consider.

Independent Report Declares News.Bitcoin.com the Top Crypto News Site

‘Quality, In-Depth Reporting’

The thorough analysis of 145 crypto news locates was commissioned with a particular audience in mind. Specifically, it was published for the benefit of “Marketers and PR managers, in order to assess the distinction of resources to get better results,” as well as “Journalists, editors, and owners of content platforms looking for quality news, and to judge competitors and investors and traders, to assess the quality of information sources to make better decisions.”

Of these groups, marketers in element are seeking reliable data with which to plan media campaigns. The ability to compare key metrics, such as rebound rate and Alexa ranking, across all leading crypto publications, is extremely valuable. This data enables advertisers to optimize their offensives and to submit press releases to sites that can deliver a return on investment. Low bounce rate – i.e. the amount of time a look over will spend on a page before clicking the back button – is one of the leading determinants of quality.

Independent Report Declares News.Bitcoin.com the Top Crypto News Site
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Commenting on the report, news.Bitcoin.com Editor-in-Chief Nanok Bie said: ”I’m grateful for this appreciation, particularly the fact that BTC Peers looked closely at metrics like bounce rate and time on page, to judge which site readers engage with the most. The high numbers awarded to news.Bitcoin.com are due to our consistent euphoric quality, relevant and in-depth reporting.”

He added: “If you’re only going to read one news source to keep up with crypto, it should be info.Bitcoin.com, as we deliver balanced, well-researched and neutral news that covers everything bitcoiners need to know give the industry.”

The BTC Peers report is sure to spark debate about how media quality is measured and which benchmarks mean something the most. At news.Bitcoin.com, we’re grateful to all our readers for their time spent reading and passionate debates in the comments fraction, which have helped make this site what it is – namely, the best crypto news website of 2019.

What are your regards on the findings of the BTC Peers report? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock and Dapp Review.

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Kai Sedgwick

Kai’s been manipulating words for a living since 2009 and bought his first bitcoin at $12. It’s large gone. He’s previously written whitepapers for blockchain startups and is especially interested in P2P exchanges and DNMs.

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