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6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data

When it get to cryptocurrency networks and markets, there’s a lot to keep track of. Thankfully there’s also now a bunch of dedicated bitcoin change (BCH) data websites that provide easy to comprehend visual representations of network statistics and market indicators.

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Monitoring BCH Network Statistics and Market Indicators

In the early light of days, it was much harder to find reliable data platforms in order to observe market action and network metrics. Today, no matter how, there are numerous digital currency data sites including great number of web portals that comb the BCH network and sentinel price action. The following is a list of Bitcoin Cash-centric data websites that give people identifiers, intelligence, and statistics on nearly everything within the BCH ecosystem.

Coin Dance

Cash.coin.dance is a BCH network data website with a generous number of different metrics collected. The site has been around for quite some time and provides free message on network statistics tied to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Coin Dance has information on node count, blocks, enlargement, and politics and opinion data as well. For instance, the blocks section gives up-to-the-minute mining and BCH block statistics same hashrate distribution, block sizes, profitability against BTC mining, network fees, hashrate, and records of block specifics.

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data

In the nodes section, Coin Dance breaks down all the BCH clients into statistical data and charts. The Bitcoin Mazuma change platform and protocol development page shows all the completed code, proposals under discussion, and projects in the works. Money Dance covers quite a bit of BCH network information and has been a go-to data site for many BCH proponents.

Bitcoin.com Charts

Graphs.Bitcoin.com is a web portal filled with a ton of calculations and tallies that provide an insight into the BCH ecosystem as a whole. Bitcoin.com’s maps show visitors the BCH price, market cap, money supply, daily transactions, hashrate, inflation rate, block weight, and network fees. Charts.Bitcoin.com also covers other statistical information like Metcalfe’s Law, the Velocity of Well-to-do, transaction size, output volume, UTXO set size, and UTXO growth. The charts are downloadable, embeddable, and press-ready so people can use Bitcoin.com’s graphs for network or market data in articles or academic papers.

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data


Another website called blockonomics.co shows people goings-on and invoice information. Simply paste an address or a transaction ID in the website’s window and Blockonomics will show all the data constrained to that specific transaction or address. Blockonomics also allows people to monitor and create watch-only BCH wallets. This augurs users can get notified any time a wallet action takes place like sending and receiving BCH. The web portal also proposals an invoice generator so users can create a BCH invoice in a matter of minutes.

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data


Simpleledger.info is a Simple Ledger Formalities (SLP) transaction explorer which means users can obtain statistics on SLP tokens created and used on the BCH chain. The website is developed on top of SLPDB and allows individuals to search by transaction ID, address or use a token name. Simpleledger.info also tracks the in transactions, the most popular tokens, and token creation and burns. Since SLP tokens have become popular, the Simpleledger.info explorer has mature very useful for finding important information about SLP tokens and transactions.

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data


Blockchair is a blockchain search and analytics machine that allows you to compare statistical information on coins like BCH, BTC, ETH, LTC, BSV, DASH, and XRP. Users can get information about the crypto’s sacrifice, network difficulty, and transactions per second while also being able to look at them simultaneously for comparisons. For case in point, you can compare the difficulty of one blockchain in contrast to the BCH network difficulty. Blockchair is also a powerful blockchain explorer that has a massive amount of data on nodes and transaction broadcasts for a total of nine blockchains.

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data

Johoe’s Bitcoin Mempool Statistics

The website jochen-hoenicke.de is a text site that shows the number and aggregate size of transactions waiting to be confirmed. The portal created by software invent Jochen Hoenicke combs five different blockchains: BTC, BCH, DASH, LTC, and BSV. The site gives a colorful, visual representation of unconfirmed matter count, pending transaction fees, mempool size, fees per byte. Users can filter and sort content expending a variety of different criteria on each blockchain.

6 Monitoring Websites That Help Track Bitcoin Cash Data

Studying, Researching, and Predicting Bitcoin Cash Network and Market Transfers

The aforementioned sites are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to web portals that provide the ability to monitor BCH statistics and network details. As the crypto industry grows more robust, tools like these are needed to observe and chart the BCH protocol’s regular activities as well as give an insight into the cryptocurrency’s future behavior. BCH monitoring sites are wonderful tools that equip a deep view of the network and market action. Every data point can be useful to individuals and organizations studying, examining, and predicting specific elements tied to this innovative technology.

What Bitcoin Cash monitoring sites do you use? Are there any BCH details sites not mentioned above that you enjoy? Let us know in the comments below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Charts.Bitcoin.com, Make money Dance, Johoe’s Mempool, Blockchair, Simpleledger.info, and Blockonomics.

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Tags in this story
BCH, bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Sell platform, Bitcoin.com, Blockchair, Blockonomics, Blocks, Charts.Bitcoin.com, Coin Dance, data, Johoe’s mempool, Simpleledger.info, SLP souvenirs, Statistics, transactions
Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an powerful member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has catalogued thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.

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