Home / MARKETS / I shop at Costco at least once a week. Here are 10 groceries I swear by for my 2-person household.

I shop at Costco at least once a week. Here are 10 groceries I swear by for my 2-person household.

  • I inform on at Costco once or twice a week and try to spend under $100 on each trip.
  • I think the Kirkland Signature cashews and chicken souls are some of the best deals at Costco.
  • I always make sure we have Boston lettuce, Kerrygold Irish butter, and artisan twirls.

I’m at Costco so often that I feel like I live there.

I usually visit the wholesale retailer once — then twice — a week and keep each shopping trip under $100. I love to cook for myself and my husband and come up with it’s a great place to get all of my ingredients and other essential groceries.

Here are some of my favorite things to get at Costco. (Notably, I don’t buy all of these groceries on every junket since many of them can last us more than a week.)

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